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July 4, 2020

Passion and curiosity makes a difference in your life

Working on something you like is called passion. Whereas working on something you don’t like is called stress. If you are not working on something you like. You will end up regretting not doing what you love on your death bed.

” Remember A.B.C.: Always be curious. You want to know everything. Which leads you to curious learning as well as you are naturally inclined to curiosity. Remember your childhood days. When asking questions to your parents like, Why does the colour of the sky is blue? perplexed your parents gave a grumpy look were unable to give you a convincing answer to your daily curiosity questions. As you enter into the adult stage the scenario is totally different. curiously want to know everything which leads us to greater knowledge.

Just a reminder about the quote of Albert Einstein “I didn’t have special talents. But, I was passionately curious.” The important thing is to never stop learning as well as being curious to know what you love the most. The introvert always emphasized on curious learning which led him to become one of the great scientist of the 21st century.

Curious people always ask questions and search for answers in their minds. Their minds are always active. Since the mind is like a muscle which becomes stronger through continual exercise, the mental exercise caused by curiosity makes your mind stronger and stronger.

When you are curious about something your mind expects and anticipates new ideas related to it. When ideas erupts in your mind. It will be recognized. Without curiosity, the ideas may pass right in front of you and yet you miss them because your mind is not prepared to recognize your unique ideas. Just think, How many great ideas you have lost due to lack of curiosity?

The life of curious people is far from boring. It’s neither dull nor routine. There are always new things that attract your attention, there are always new toys to play with. Instead of being bored, hopelessness. Inculcate the habit of being curious.

By being curious you will be able to see new worlds and possibilities which is normally not visible. It is hidden behind the surface of normal life, and it takes a curious mind to look beneath the surface and discover these new worlds and possibilities and thus it creates excitement and kills boredom!!!

Put it all together. Curiosity with passion is always a fuel for your growth. Hence, Don’t fret if you don’t have a purpose in your life. Your passion always leads you to the place where you want to be in the world.

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