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July 5, 2020

‘Friends’ Hypothetical Social Distancing Experience Comes to Life in a New Illustration

Social distancing has many drawbacks and, undoubtedly, one of the largest ones is the suspension of gatherings with friends. While Zoom calls and virtual book clubs have filled some gaps, there is definitely something missing in people’s lives. For many people, thinking about how much we miss our social networks makes you think about another set of pals: the six charming  New Yorkers of Friends! It’s fun to imagine the friends’ quarantine antics, which may go a little something like this: 

Ross is definitely spending his time during COVID-19 thinking like a scientist. Over zoom calls with his old science buddies, he is attempting to use paleontological knowledge to think outside the box on COVID-19 cures, even if those at the museum are a little more interested in the past than the future. He also has definitely whipped up a few Zoom-ready margaritas to remind everyone that he’s doing fine over group calls. 

Chandler and Joey would surely be getting up to some wild antics as they are locked in their apartment…and we think that all the time alone would end up taking a toll on their love lives. Anxious about his own loneliness, Chandler would be tearing his hair out while deciding on whether or not to text Janice. Meanwhile, Joey, missing out on his meet-cutes, would have downloaded all the dating apps to shoot off “How You Doin?” texts to everyone in Manhattan. In the midst of all this heartbreak, the boys haven’t had time to think about cooking, and so they’ve definitely been helping their local pizza business with nightly delivery orders. 

Rachel and Monica definitely luck out because they get to live in the coveted purple apartment during COVID-19 quarantine.

The two girls would definitely be working hard, with Rachel running out to Bloomingdales to pick up samples from Ralph Lauren’s mask collection for her high-fashion buyers. Meanwhile, in between scrubbing down every corner of the apartment, Monica would be rising to meet the growing demand for sourdough lessons as a Zoom cooking instructor.

Phoebe wouldn’t be that surprised by the coronavirus. She had seen it in her tarot cards months ago, after all. While her massage business had to be stopped due to COVID-19, she would definitely be spending her time working out some new tunes on her guitar, much to her neighbors’ chagrin. “Smelly Cat” would move down the repertoire in place of her new song, “Dirty Sweatpants.”

While it’s only possible to surmise what would happen to the friends over quarantine, its comforting to know that they would be getting through it together.  Beyond that, it’s great that Friends fans can pass the time during social distancing by binging the classic show and getting excited about the upcoming reunion show

How do you imagine your friends’ quarantine? Could it be any crazier than this? 

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