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July 24, 2020


“Spiritual life is a special world into which human wisdom does not penetrate”.

Indeed, spiritual life is built according to its own laws, which are not always obvious to man. Living communication with God, which is the meaning and goal of the innermost life of the heart, is achieved by a correct, virtuous life, arranged according to the gospel word. That is why it is so important for students in seminary to participate in divine services and the Sacraments, common prayers, a responsible attitude to study, and fulfilment of assigned obediences. In this way, students gradually begin to develop readiness for future pastoral ministry.

Worship takes a special place in seminary life. The morning of the students begins with a common prayer in the church, the seminarians pass the obediences of the readers and sextons, work while reading the Unsleeping Psalter, many sing in the kliros. All seminarians, without exception, participate in festive and Sunday services.

In the seminary, it has become a tradition to celebrate the common night Liturgy, the service of which goes back to the apostolic times, when everyone who came to the church became partakers of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. “It is especially warm to remember the night liturgies, when everyone in the church, the seminarians and brethren of the monastery, received communion. You really feel that everyone has gathered with one goal – to be one in the Body of Christ, ”the alumni say.

Monastic services of Great Lent are incomparable. Living participation in them, penetration into the majestic language of fasting services, filled with a sense of repentance and contrition, enables the soul to feel the “light sorrow” of fasting, to the best of its ability to approach God, who has mercy and loves His children with great sacrificial love.

One of the important components of spiritual life is the study of Holy Scripture and understanding Spiritual Journey, the works of the holy fathers and devotees of piety. “In the spiritual life, books are only guidance. Knowledge itself is acquired by deed ”. Realizing this, the seminarians learn not only to read but to love, to try to penetrate to the full depth and accept with all their soul the instructions of the holy fathers.

An appeal to the patristic heritage also takes place in the classroom: on the “Patristic Teaching of Salvation”, “Patrology”, “Pastoral Theology”, in the course “Practical Experience of Outstanding Pastors of the Orthodox Church of the 19th-20th centuries”, in conversations on spiritual topics with the rector, other inhabitants of the monastery, with invited archpastors and pastors.

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