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July 24, 2020

Bridge and Connect

It’s amazing the amount of good that I have experienced lately. When I let go of all the bad vibes in my life, it’s like I melted away all of what was stopping me from being successful. You find yourself in the midst of what feels like a breakdown and it’s not, it’s an awakening. It’s you feeling more alive then you ever have. What causes this? I think this happens when you put everything on the table, nothing to hold you back. Fear is what usually does, but it’s a mask of the power you truly hold.

We often don’t know what emotions that we should put out there, because we fear judgement. I will be the first to tell you that anxiety is a real thing, it and she rears her ugly, unpredictable storm for all of us at one point or another. I am not afraid to put here in print that I suffer from it. It is mainly controlled through my yoga, meditation and a damn good support system. Let’s be honest though, we all have triggers that help it come to the forefront at times. It could be work, relationships and sometime even your own environment that cause that eruption. As much as you would like to control it, sometimes it beyond what you expect. The tears won’t stop coming, the heart racing and not being able to form coherent sentences. You don’t wish on your worse enemy and the torment that rages, you learn to extinguish. These are not all from person experiences, but from seeing how it affects the people I love and care about. Be the bright light to them, don’t judge, hold their hands or just listen until the panic subsides. Don’t give up on them, compassion truly goes a long way.

Survival of the fittest is truly what we can call life right now. The way I have survived besides the stress, and everything in between is human connection. Through my friends and co workers, I create a bond that keeps me going on the toughest of days. Life isn’t easy, and still the uncertainty every single day at work, you have to come together. You can’t put a price on having each other’s backs in certain situations. When you acknowledge the elephant in the room, I think it brings so much more clarity to a situation.

Lastly, I want to touch on the connections I’ve made with the people who work in the hospital. They range from the Doctors and RNs to the CNA, Lab, Cardio and Social Workers, etc and they are amazing. Without them during times I’ve had my own medical issues and walking me through a test, I would be lost. They also bring a human element which can’t be replaced. From our jokes in the morning about yogurt, to laughing about life, seeing their families grow, that’s what this is all about. At the end of the day we are all human, we crave that connection. For just a moment in time, COVID and the other things are frozen and we become the people who knew life before this. A world before mask where you could see someone’s smile, not just the structure of their eyes. However it is a well know fact that your eyes give away your emotions, always be self aware.

In closing, be gentle to yourself and others. You don’t ever know the battles or demons someone else is fighting. As a human being what you can do is ask them Is there anything I can support you with. Not the generic do you need anything, you see what happens with simple rephrasing of words? You are more likely to help them through something, then to set them back further. In a world that changes by the second, be the good and end the stigma ✨

Take Care,


P.S. This is dedicated to anyone fighting a battle, we hear and see you. Grab ahold of the anchor, we will steady the rocky seas together ?

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