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July 25, 2020

Say no to diet and follow easy steps for happy life

No one is perfect in this world but everyone crawls for the perfection, it may be for health, body, things.. It can be anything.

Let me share you few points about my view and experience in my life.

  1. Confidence

When did the last time you have taken your selfie with 100% confidence… Hmmm.. I too don’t remember. The thing is when you see yourself in mirror you should feel happy and confident but what makes you confident just question yourself. If you got the answer then you can go for it..

Some people feel confident when they are slim, some feel when they have clear face and some feel when they have good body.

So it all depends on you what is more important to you to be confident. Everyone is not same in this world, we have different thoughts. So please know yourself what makes you feel happy and confident.. And start working on it.

2. Discipline

Once you got to know what exactly you required immediately start working on it. If you want to get perfect body start your workout from now on, if you want to have clear face, start caring it..

Whatever you want to change, once you start never neglect it. Discipline is very important to achieve it. You should control your mind and habits to reach the goal so that it is easy to get it.

3. Food habits

There is nothing wrong in eating too much or eating less.

Feel your body like earth, if we have 70% land and 30% water in this world can we survive.. Just imagine how bad it is exactly if we want to have healthy body maintain your body with 30% food and 70% water for good functionality because human body is designed according to the nature.. So we should follow natural process..

How much you eat doesn’t effect your body if you drink plenty of water.. So foodies don’t dissapoint for eating over food just count your water levels and maintain

4. Exercise

How much we eat or drink water without doing exercise nothing benifits you..

If you want to have fit body you can go to gym but if you want healthy body, atleast you should do walking for 1 hour per day..

Because walking can increase blood circulation, helps in good sleep and there are lots of benifits in it, you can see in below link.

I suggested walking because most of the people are lazy to do workouts but walking can be done easily and benifits more. Everyday 45 minutes workout is necessary to body otherwise whatever you eat is not obsorbed to body and makes you week.. So try to do exercise regularly.

There are so many things to discuss about health but these are the main points to be healthy and beautiful. If we have heavy body it leads to diseases in our body.. So maintain ideal weight which is suitable for your height.. Instead of fat body, improve muscle it gives you more power..

As per above points if you maintain everything perfectly, there is no need to go for doctors for good body or perfect face.. You can built your own..

Beauty may not be important to everyone as I mentioned earlier what makes you feel confident is your beauty.. When you have what you want then it makes you feel confident and happy and you will have successful life..

                            – Gayathri polaki



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