July 28, 2020

It’s only Heartbreak—you will Heal. {Poem}


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It’s okay.

It’s only heartbreak.

It will heal.

You are strong.


You have been here before.

You feel tired and your chest aches,

but it’s just heartbreak,

and it will heal.


Your heart space feels strained.

You are rebuilding,

and it is holding you up,

but it’s only heartbreak.


It shows up as exhaustion, sometimes as nausea.

Breathe, exercise, open your chest.

Rest your heart—

it’s just broken.


It wakes you with a whisper from a restful sleep

to remind you your sorrow will be here for another day.

But it’s only heartbreak,

and it will heal.


It is gut-wrenching at times.

It takes your breath away,

and it brings you to your knees.

But it’s just heartbreak.

It will heal. You will heal.


Feel the emotions.

They will not swallow you,

nor will they define you.

Breathe through your sorrow,

then rise up and move forward.


Break and let go.

Allow the gifts of newness and learning to come.

You can do this.

You deserve this.


Let your heart heal and fill with love again,

and see how rich it will be.



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Katie Ratchuk  |  Contribution: 450

author: Katie Ratchuk

Image: julika.illustration/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef