July 27, 2020

Hearts that Hurt can Heal. {Poem}


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So many hearts
Are suffering right now.

We feel it.
Each person’s story
Mirrors another’s
Or our own.

The pain,
The loss,
The devastation,
The never-ending
Tower moments,
When things are
Still crumbling.

We hear the pain
In another’s retelling
Of their story,
Their most recent loss.

It’s not new information
To us,
But it is all
That seems to
Be surfacing.

We want to have hope,
To trust.
But what can we trust?
Who can we trust?

Seems others are
Not the ones we can
Rely upon first,
None but ourselves,
And then other’s bolstering
Support can come in.

We aren’t alone,
Yet we feel alone,
More often than not.

We are all hurting
In some way,
Or seeking
To let go of the
Hurt we use
Against ourselves.

Shaming our
Own experience of the
Resurfaced pain.
But our emotions
Were never wrong.

We all learned ways
To adapt,
To survive,
And we did survive.

There is no false
Hope anymore,
But real truths.

Ones we have
Been evading.
Limiting beliefs
Being seen.

The external chaos
Does not always
Mirror the truth.

We are reorienting
Into a new time
And place.

Give yourself space,
And the utmost grace
To learn how to
Walk in these new ways,
Where the path forward
Keeps changing.

So we must return,
Return to the self
As many times as

Trust what arises
Is here
To help you
Evolve into
This next iteration
Of you.


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author: Anna Palmer

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Nicole Cameron