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August 1, 2020

God does not like an UGLY heart and here are some situations you can relate to

This is for you. Yeah you know what I’m talking about!

God loves all of us but he doesn’t like the sins of an ugly heart.

With our heart we can feel deeply: rage, love, passion, vibrancy, pain etc right along with the chemical reactions taking place in our brains.

An ugly heart can be briefly defined as a person who constantly has negative emotions for one self and most of all other people.

These persons constantly are eluding some deep negativity shit that resurfaces over and over again, even in unnecessary situations.

The people who are friends with these kinds of persons will have no rest. An ugly heart always envies, judges, provokes, scorn, mock, deceive and lie to others.

I don’t know if there are sad messed up people like that but I’ve come across some close encounters and I took myself AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE.

An ugly heart might even pose with a pretty face and a hot sexy body. Yes the ones your husbands CHEAT on you with! But they are carrying around JEZEBEL SPIRITS within them. These monsters are like the devil himself he pretends to be an angel of light, but many know he’s the devil.

An ugly heart has no gender. It may be that horrible MAN  at your workplace, who does nothing but push, judge and criticize others.

Please forgive these people. They haven’t found their light yet. But in the meantime stay away from them and hope they find God.

They might be that girl at school. Everyone knows she is horrible yet she has a bunch of demons following her around. Typical humans. They just love evil, even when its ruining them on the inside out!

They might be a complete stranger who insults you in the nastiest way just because you accidentally got in their way. Ignore them! Forgive them!

It might be a FAMILY MEMBER. I have a strong feeling we all have at least one or two of our family members who has an UGLY HEART. No matter how they try and cover it up, it just escapes and you can feel the negative impact on your wellbeing. Ignore them as best as you can, keep boundaries and get out of that home, as quick as possible when you find a good way out.

DON’T BE SURPRISED AT THIS ONE: it could be that brother or sister at church. You can feel their piercing, nasty stares at you but smile in your face every Sunday or Saturday morning. Or it might be that they don’t want to communicate with you. My advice: pray for them, move on with your life and show them that your not like that.

It might be that NEIGHBOUR, Oh! We all have that neighbor who spread rumors and gossip about the home you have or your family. My advice: forgive them, still say good morning and so forth, do not do anything further to give them suspicious or to provoke them, ignore or avoid rude talks or behavior.

No one is perfect. But try your best to not have an UGLY HEART.



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