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August 4, 2020

Message to the 144,000

We can do this. It won’t be easy living in a foolish world like this. We must stay strong in God, no matter what situations we face. We must NEVER give up on our Messiah. You see and hear the wickedness of this world. These wicked people are all around us. They speak false words about God, they deceived, lie, hate, corrupt and they are some of the most wealthy and influential persons of the world.

I’m not here to speak about pleasures. Am here to speak about God. We must humble ourselves before God and fear him.

Demons are all over the world, some alive and some in the spirit realm. They are spreading their LIES and foolishness, tricking the weak and foolish people.

God says we must resist the devil and he shall flee. Resist temptation, resist all these lies and he shall flee.

Do not bow to the devil in this time. The devil is a LIAR. He cannot save you. He will destroy your soul. Why trust in demons when they are deceivers. God does not deceive.

We are chosen vessels of God. Do not fear evil, do not submit to the LIARS

I stress LIARS because they have no truth in them. Yet still you trust in them.

Many people say that God is not real. When he judges the world you’ll see that he is real.

Yet still these foolish people serve them.

..For what exactly? Fame? Fortune? Spotlight?

Ye are foolish and you think what your doing will have no consequences. You think what your doing is right. I applaud you people on earth who are unbelievers. I smile in your faces because YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, WHAT YOU’VE DONE AND WHAT IS COMING!


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