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August 4, 2020

Side chicks: You have a JEZEBEL SPIRIT

Please note: I’m just here to spread the truth.

That one woman who ruins a marriage, that one woman who traumatize innocent children involved in families, that one woman who has hatred, envy, gossip and inner trauma/darkness. I am here to tell you that you have a Jezebel spirit. Its not something cute or anything to smile about. Its not anything fun either.

The Jezebel spirit is an ugly demon which is full of lies, deception and nasty seduction. You may think your in love with one woman’s husband, but this is a lie. You cannot love what is not yours. God says that marriage is holy. The phrase ’till death do us part’ has a deep significance. Any strong married woman will turn to God to save her marriage, if the man was deceived by a Jezebel. If he begs you to forgive him, please do. That is his last chance.

You cannot blame the man for cheating because the Jezebel spirit is under demonic influences that allows men to be brainwashed and deceived and overcome with lust and temptation. All these things are Satan and we all know that the devil is a LIAR.

Any woman who knows her husband is a decent and loving man, worth fighting for. I suggest you go under prayer and fasting to fight these witches. The Jezebel spirit is like a witch: places illusions and lies and plant them in a man’s mind.

The husband may think he loves this woman and the Jezebel may think that she is in love with a married man but in truth THEY ARE NOT IN LOVE. They are under demonic influences.

I am not here to lie, blow things out of proportion or judge anyone. If your a woman or man who is married or wishes to get married one day HEED my warnings!

These a demons trying to brake up families and tear them apart. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but rulers of darkness, principalities and powers.

The Jezebel cannot give a man love. She needs healing, she needs God. The devil works through these women to cause chaos and heart break, mischief and trauma to families. They dont even want the husband. They do this because they ‘want’ to break marriages apart.

  1. This Jezebel spirit not only works on marriages but in consensual unions also. Some consensual unions ends up in marriage while some don’t. I suggest persons to get married or stop fornicating.






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