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August 4, 2020

Stop using secret rings, bracelets, potions and oils that contain magic

No matter where you got these objects, they will do you no good. Objects made from the depths of hell with curses and black magic eluded into them, while some of these things require sacrifice. Do you still think these objects can be trusted?

Many of you with ‘guard rings, guard bracelets, necklaces etc or some form of evil potion that can be drunken or poured for desired results. I command you by the blood of Jesus that these things shall be backfired on you.

If you do not get rid of these things; no am not talking about suffering in hell but that’s not the only thing that will happen to you. These things can go WRONGLY and attract demons from hell into your lives. Your soul will be filled with darkness and taken over with this thing. Things will start to go wrong somewhere in your life or family. Some of you will hear or see warnings from God but you will not destroy these things and REPENT.

Go and look up the definition of what it means to repent. A lot of you are slaves of the devil, many of you are walking puppets of demons and vessels of darkness.

Many of you are foolish. You have been fooled, lied to and trick yet still MANY OF YOU STILL defend the devil. Mankind, are you this foolish? What the devil does is to make him let you believe, that he can help me. Then when you allow him to work in your life; you’ll get results but as I said….there is always a price with the devil, a trick, a deception.

What is it going to take for society to open up their eyes. The persons who you want to be like, the persons who are rich and living their best lives and puppets of the devil. When they all die, there won’t be any car, house, love…nothing down there in hell than eternal torment and suffering.

You people mock the one God who is willing to take all your bullshit. You say he doesn’t exist when you don’t know how you woke up this morning. The blood of Jesus!

The blood of Jesus. Hallejuyah.

You refuse to give God praise because you have faith in the devil. The blood of Jesus! The devil is only fooling you and all this generation. He is bringing plenty souls with him because he doesn’t want to suffer alone.

If you already chose the devil, do not bring down anyone with you in hell. This is what you people do. Think you can deceive everybody, when someone actually knows the truth.

God ain’t wasting no more time on what needs to be disposed in hell. Right now, God is fixing up his children who loves and respects and chooses to follow him. He is fixing up his children so they won’t have to face, what the unbelievers and the liars will.

You don’t know what’s coming! Do you!? While all of you are busy with you demonic lives. God is working, and he is rising up through his messengers….he is revealing his light and love to his true children.

Whatever evil, accursed, occult object you’ve received from hell from whosoever. I suggest you get rid of it and REPENT. I suggest you just stop being fools. The animals have more sense than many of YOU humans.

Whatever you got that object for: fame, riches, favor, love, to not get ill, to be powerful, for protection.

All of these things will fail you one day and you’ll be sorry.

I have nothing further to say than to STOP THIS FOOLISHNESS AND SEEK GOD.



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