December 21, 2011

Longest Night, Shortest Day: Four Songs to Revive You this Winter. ~ Nicole Maniez

Winter solstice is upon us.

Our longest night gives way to ever increasing daylight. There is hope in knowing this. But the reality remains; I live in the Northeast and winter lasts until late April.

So here I go, making the playlist that will revive me when I fall into deep, frigid despair.

Music is the Alchemy: Part One

1. Brett Dennen/ Blessed


You are on clear, blue water. You are not covered in heavy layers of thick clothing. You are feeling your strong body, free from constraint. The sunlight caresses you.

2. Otis Redding/ The Happy Song (Dun-Dum)


Groove to this one. If you start to feel low, know Mr.Redding is telling you to snap out of it, dum-dum.

3. Violent Femmes/ Kiss Off


You need a little release. You’ve been with the relatives for days now. Grab your ipod, your headphones, and take a walk around the block. Sing loudly.

4. Florence and the Machine/ Shake It Out


This lady is a bad ass. “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”

Sing scream this whole album. Know you are also a badass.


Nicole Maniez is an acupuncturist, herbalist, yoga teacher and childbirth educator in the Boston area.  She is lucky to get to combine multiple loves into one sweet career, doing what she loves and helping people move closer to health and wholeness.  She is also a momma, an art maker, and an out-of-tune music maker.  Hoping that she will never lose the ability to laugh at her follies (and yours), she cultivates her curiosity in an attempt to keep life entertaining.  She loves mail.  Send her something inspiring –www.nicolemaniez.com.


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Image: Melanie Pongratz/Unsplash