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August 18, 2020

Positivity And It’s Purpose

5:30 AM and the sun is beginning to crease the horizon. I sit there with my tea in hand and watch the sky turn a beautiful hue of orange, amazing how life can paint the sky. It’s the beginning of a new week for me, training for my new position at work. Cheers to new beginnings, and learning new skills to add to my resume. This is the first time I’ve truly seen the inner workings of the hospital, from eye level. It’s not just the bells and codes being called, it’s the faces behind it all. They gel together to make it cohesive and work.

For the next 4 days, I am trained as a medical screener, and reintroduced to the public that I haven’t seen in months. They come for appts, to deliver babies and to visit their loved ones. When asked questions, you can see the concern in their eyes, I try to add comfort and a smile. I’ve worked with the public for years, customer service is very second natured to me, so I can understand the emotions of people and how they should and expect to be treated. My feelings towards that is be the beacon they need to help guide them, it truly goes a long way for people.

During this week I use my voice more than it’s ever been, made connections with some new people and learned a lot about my own potential. When you remove yourself from a situation that no longer suits you, already you take the power back that you once lost. While I’m not saying everyday is a picnic, it’s a lot better than walking on eggshells and being unsure and withdrawn. When you begin to live outside of your comfort zone, that’s when you truly come alive. I see the world with different eyes now, eyes fully on the prize, never looking behind me.

Positive mindset is one thing I’ve always tried to have, even in the lowest of my lows. Without that you can’t dig yourself out of the self doubt and pity traps you fall into at times. It’s a natural reaction for those who have stress or anxiety disorders. As someone who suffers from one herself, and has overcome that it’s a daily step. Finding a way to control the negative and let the light back in is, well always a back and forth battle. You have to be able to put up barriers, for those who don’t support that growth. Do not let anyone ever steal your peace of mind. This happens too much in life and that’s when the downward tread begins again. When you feel the wobble, grab onto your resources, take time for yourself and regroup. You won’t regret the times you learned to put yourself first.

Self care is a major step in keeping the positivity alive. Take one day a week and give yourself a couple of hours, to decompress. I run a bath, put on Alexa or Audible and let myself soak. Bath oils or Epsom salts, and maybe a candle (I have diffusers everywhere in my house too) and allow myself to let go of the stress of the day and week. Then I get out put on fresh pjs or comfy clothes, and settle on my bed. I get out my journal and write my intentions for the week, and how to put them to action. Finally, the diffuser is set with my favorite scent and lights out, fresh sheets and my phone on DND.

Setting your plans of intention for your week, meal prepping and getting a playlist for your workouts is all positive vibes. Take a drive and dip your feet in the water before fall hits, or just listen to the waves at the beach. Little moments at the end of your week add up to big readjustments. Be more of the person you were before stress hit you. Love yourself, love your life and the progress you have made. Baby girl don’t ever let anyone steal your sunshine ✨?

Take Care,


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