August 26, 2020

A Letter to the Person I Date Next.

Good evening, human soul of the future.

I’m not sure if we have met yet, but if we haven’t, let me introduce myself.

My name’s Rebecca. I’m 5’1″ and a half, a forever student, and a romantic who likes to pretend she’s Cinderella.

I have dry skin on my elbow, a huge smile, and a heart that beats to the sound of Portuguese.

You can catch me singing alone sometimes or writing poetry on the back of a receipt in a cafe.

While this is all important, there is more you must know. Because I struggle to talk about this topic, I’d like to write it to you and the world instead.

Here it goes.

I may struggle to hold your hand, but I want to.

I will likely cry when you touch me, but it’s not you.

Sometimes I’ll hug you and other days I’ll avoid it. It’s not because I’m unsure of you.

You see, my history is complex, and I still carry it.

While I’m working on this in therapy, I may need your help in healing.

I know it’s a lot to ask, but if you could patiently help me through this, I’ll give you my hand and my heart.

Someone once told me the only way to heal from something is to walk right through it. I am ready to do this.

I hope you sleep well tonight. Thank you for listening.

One more thing.

I love you.

Your future partner,


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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: lambhappiness/Pixabay

Editor: Sukriti Chopra