November 22, 2020

“Fleeting” by Peridot—A Song for your Loss.

These days, we are seeing just how fragile and fleeting life really is.

In my family, music has mended so many things. Like fixing broken bowls, music has always been the liquid gold used to mend the pieces of our lives back together. Music has made us beautiful and whole again.

Music attaches us to memories in the dead of night when our mind keeps us awake.

It allows us to ugly cry in the shower, get angry, and break sh*t.

It heals and inspires us.

It helps us let go of our incorrigible darkness.

It picks us up and cradles us like babies, nurturing us until all the tears evaporate from our cheeks. Music is a universal language speaking to our souls in just a few words.

This year, we’ve had to fix a lot of broken bowls.

Our losses have been cosmic. Our worlds feel broken. Today’s troubles have left us hopeless and uncertain of what’s to come.

The many unfathomable difficulties and losses we are facing are unbelievable. We’re going through unemployment, losing our homes, struggling to make ends meet, and/or watching our country burn (in more ways than one).

One of our worst struggles of all is being unable to say goodbye when the people we love pass away. To those of you who have lost someone in the year of COVID-19, I’m so unbelievably sorry, and my heart aches for you. I can’t imagine your crushing loss and pain. I can’t imagine how you are soldiering on.

I have no words to console you—only music.

Finding something to be grateful for seems like an unachievable feat. Trying to see the silver lining in this dark cloud of a year is an optimism, but it’s too heavy and tiring to carry.

I know you’re exhausted; I know you’re anxious; I know you’re stressed; I know you’re sad and angry. Please don’t give up hope.

Although so much terror is happening, there is much we can be grateful for, even if it’s just one single, mundane thing.

Yes. One thing.

Find that one thing and hold onto it. Then pick up every other treasured thing you find along the way. Take each precious one and hold it close. And don’t forget to heal with music.

This beautiful song is for your loss. To remind you how fleeting life is. To remind you how we need to be grateful even in the worst of times.

Being grateful and mindful of our valuable and short time here could be the hero that saves us from abandoning all hope.

May this song bring you as much love, healing, and peace as it has brought me.

Listen, cry, heal.

I love you.



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Kelly Branyik  |  Contribution: 25,885

author: Kelly Branyik

Image: YouTube screenshot

Editor: Elyane Youssef

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