November 17, 2020

Life’s Short—Put up the Tree.

Though many said bah humbug to my enthusiasm in putting up holiday decorations on Halloween, I didn’t let it deter me or change my mind.

The holiday season is short, and in my opinion, we don’t truly get the time to enjoy it enough between the pressure of shopping, wrapping, socializing, and more. The holidays can pass us by because we are traveling in the high-speed lane, so focused on what we need to do and where we need to get to that we forget to simply enjoy and appreciate.

And COVID-19 is causing no exception from what I’ve heard, seen, and read—people are diving in head-first, seat belts on, and racing through the holiday season before it’s really begun.

With all the time and effort that is put into decorating for the holidays, why not start early?

If we’ve learned anything this year, it should be that we never know what tomorrow will bring. For me, it was only a reaffirmation of my approach to life and a reminder that I sometimes need because, well, life can get in the way.

We can lose sight of what’s most important when work, school, activities, family, responsibilities, duties, and the daily chores of life cloud our vision and muddy our minds.

Many say life is short, but do we mean it? If we think life is so short, then why aren’t we eating dessert first or using the good china on any given day? Because in reality, each day is a special occasion, right? Why do we limit happy hour to an hour? Why do we let others make decisions for us because of their differences in living or judgments? Why, why, why?

Bah humbug to that! Your life, your rules.

Life is short. So put up your tree. Drink the egg nog. Dance to “Jingle Bells,” even if it is a wee bit early in the season. The point is—enjoy! We’re in such a hurry to do everything else in life, why should this be any different?

Routines, rituals, and traditions—there is nothing wrong with shaking those up from time to time. I won’t have anything pumpkin before October, and that’s my thing. There is a longing and excitement bottled up within my delayed gratification, anticipating the change in foliage, temperature, and season. But that’s me.

If that’s how you feel about decorating for the holidays, so be it. I respect that. But I counted the months, days, and hours that we get to enjoy the season and made my decision. And yet, I was met with adversity, skepticism, and judgment. So the bigger question that I beckon you to ask yourself is: Who cares?

There has been nothing normal about this year. So why start now?!

But even putting the holidays aside, contemplate how often you allow the opinions and judgments of others to sway you from moving in the direction that you want to go. How often do you fear being criticized, ridiculed, or gossiped about? And in reality, do those people really count? Your tribe will be there to support you; they are the people who love and care about you. The others? They’ll be talking about someone else before you even put the tinsel on the tree.

Today, I give thanks for so much—including the pleasure I derive from the joyous, bright, and fun decorations that warm up my home and that I will get to enjoy even longer this year.

Dare to be different. Learn how to say no more, and say yes more often!


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