November 23, 2020

A Letter to Those Alone this Thanksgiving.

Hi, everyone.

If you are alone this Thanksgiving, welcome.

I am too, and I am happy to have you join me.

Did you buy potatoes to make anyway? I did.

How about that cranberry sauce in a can that wobbles when you pour it out? It looks disgusting, but I love it.

I usually don’t have a lot of space at my table to have many over, but since you will all be eating in your own rooms, you are all welcome to join my table this year.

I know this isn’t what we were all hoping for this holiday, but here we are, separated and yet, united.

As in most tough situations, we are all trying to find the silver linings.

It may be difficult to do for you—to be alone on Thanksgiving. I understand.

Here are a few things I’m working on to help me through this time:

1. I’m learning how to be okay with being alone.

2. I’m being more creative in connecting with others and having people from New York join me on zoom, I’m dropping in on classes I’ve never have an opportunity to join, and I’m being more productive with group projects than ever before.

3. I’m taking time to enjoy the quiet rather than resist it.

4. I’m learning how to be my own best friend.

5. I’m singing in the shower, writing a book, and learning things about the parts within me that I used to ignore.

6. I am sure it may be difficult for many of you this Thanksgiving, but please know that there are many of us joining you in your individual meal.

There will still be rolls.

There will still be dessert.

And there will still be a turkey.

What there will be more of this year, though, is gratitude and acceptance of what is.

We may be stuck within our homes and missing the hugs from friends and family members, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t here.

Let’s be thankful for our health, for the doctors battling this virus, for the teachers attempting to educate our children, for the parents stepping up to help their children learn, for the speech therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and mental health providers showing up every day to provide support and intervention, for those keeping grocery stores running, and for all of our other essential workers that are holding the frame while we battle the effects of this complex pandemic.

I know it may be difficult, but you’re doing the right thing by joining our imaginary table this Thanksgiving and eating alone.

It’s difficult to do, but you’re helping protect others and yourself.

Try to befriend yourself this Thanksgiving, and no, you’re not alone.

We are all sitting down in spirit—united—and eating in unison.


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