December 7, 2020

22 Gentle Reminders to Inspire Self-Love.


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Alex Elle is an amazing soul, mother, author, and wellness consultant.

I found her through my best friend, who is constantly reposting her uplifting Instagram quotes, which encourage people to lean into their healing, embrace their rocky transformations, love who they are, and accept themselves in totality.

On some of my worst days, her words silenced the complex internal conflictions on the verge of swallowing me into depressing voids—as if she had given me permission to hurt and heal, just through words scribbled on paper.

She posts many of her gentle reminders, hard truths, notes to self, and affirmations on Instagram. And has influenced nearly 1 million people with her loving words.

The wisdom she shares on how to let go, how to get out of your own way, how to cease toxic behaviors, how to grieve, how to accept heartache to develop resilience—they were all things I felt I could relate to. Things I felt everyone could relate to.

If you are fragile, on the verge of breaking, grieving, unable to grieve, or simply need reminders of your own power, you need to read these words.

Let them cover you like a warm, comforting weighted blanket.

Here are some of Alex Elle’s best quotes posted on her Instagram from over the years.

22 Gentle reminders on how to love ourselves, from Alex Elle:

“Think twice about being an emotional container for people who refuse to hold space for you when it’s time. You are not a placeholder for unhealthy non-reciprocal relationships.” ~ Alex Elle

“Give yourself permission to be sad—to not be okay, to not hold it together, for once. Make room for falling apart & grieving what you’ve lost or longed for. Cry more. Release the emotions trapped in your body—it is alright. There is profound strength in allowing yourself to lean into heartache, that is where healing lives. Give yourself permission to love yourself through it.” ~ Alex Elle

“Forgive yourself for the shame and guilt you carry.” ~ Alex Elle

“I deserve to see myself in the same warm glow that I see others. My light is abundant. My joy is important. I deserve to take up space.” ~ Alex Elle

“Rushing through your pain won’t make you heal any faster.” ~ Alex Elle

“You can love a person deeply and truly and still decide doing so from a distance is best for your mental and emotional health.” ~ Alex Elle

“You are not for everyone—and that is a blessing.” ~ Alex Elle

“If it doesn’t elevate and support your growth—it’s time to let it go.” ~ Alex Elle

“Be gentle with your healing — start over as many times as you need to.” – Alex Elle

“In the depths of our darkness, in the thick of our pain, we can uncover radical resilience.” ~ Alex Elle

“There will be people who never understand you—your job isn’t to make them.” ~ Alex Elle

“The path to self-love isn’t linear. Be patient with yourself.” ~ Alex Elle

“We are never alone in our struggles—and right now, we need each other more than ever.” ~ Alex Elle

“Build with people who honor your boundaries, hold you accountable, and respect your ‘no’.” ~ Alex Elle

“Everyone can’t meet you where you are. Accept that with love, compassion, and understanding.” ~ Alex Elle

“There’s no need to rush or compete. What is for you won’t escape your grasp. Trust your unique process.” ~ Alex Elle

“Showing up fully creates more space and time for love.” ~ Alex Elle

“Where you’ve been has shaped where you are. You’ve blossomed in beautiful ways. Give yourself grace.” ~ Alex Elle

“You can change. You were not born to stay the same. Discomfort in evolution is a part of the process. Honor your shedding. Lean into your ability to shift. Trust yourself.” ~ Alex Elle

“You don’t have to settle to feel loved. You don’t have to shrink to be seen.” ~ Alex Elle

“Self-awareness looks like standing bravely in your truth even when you’re forced to stand alone. ~ Alex Elle

“For anyone feeling unloved, unheard, unseen, or unwhole—you matter. Your voice is valuable. You’re loved. You’re enough. You are whole and worthy. We need you; you need you.” ~ Alex Elle


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Kelly Branyik  |  Contribution: 25,885

author: Kelly Branyik

Image: maniacodamore/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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