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January 3, 2021

Self Discovery

What is real what is not? Will I ever know? Its like I’m in a dream but I’m not the only one directing. I see this I see that. It’s creating a picture but yet I still can not see it. I’m getting closer just a just a few more feet and I will see. Does everyone else see it before me? Or was it truly always what it was supposed to be? The only thing that keeps coming to my mind are all the wrong turns that I made along the way. Thoughs awful things I can not change. I don’t know you tell me its a journey of self-discovery. I’m not the only one that can not see. Will it ever end? We will see. I don’t know how much more I can take before I lose my mind on this thing called self- discovery. Twisting and turning hills and valleys the road goes on. There’s a few things I know down deep is that I must face all my fears never stop pushing forward and whip away all the tears and to never give up. With no end in sight. But then I start to see what once was hidden in the shadows starts to turn into light. As it does I start to remember what I once forgot. As the light in my heart starts to shine so bright. All that once was in the shadows all the stuff that I could not bear is now the glue that holds all of who I have become together. That’s when I realized that the good and the bad the right and the wrong had there parts to play to create the mindset of Love. And to never forget that forgiveness and acceptance is the key to the peace I have always longed for but could never reach. I will never forget this either that the journey began when I thought it was to late and all was lost. But now I see it was just an old caterpillar going into his cocoon. So that one day everyone would see the beautiful butterfly spread his wings and fly after he turns all of his guilt and shame into wisdom and strength. Never looking back as his light saturates all of Gods perfect creation.

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