January 19, 2021

210 Words on Leaning into this One, Wild Life.

Lean in.

Lean into love.

Lean into gratitude.

Lean into weird, deep, exploratory conversation.

Learn something daily.

Figure out what makes your eyes light up and do more of it.

Be willing to go first.

Be willing to be wrong.

Be kind.

Choose to look for the good.

Say what you need to say and then say it again.

Say it when your voice shakes…especially when your voice shakes.

Speak what’s on your heart but don’t expect to build bridges if you’re not approaching conversation with that intent.

Seek to understand.

Listen well.

Create boundaries and honor them.


Love harder.

Put your hands and feet in the earth.

Pause to feel the sunshine and the rain on your skin.

Learn how to shift—your energy, your focus, your strategy, your perspective.

Feel your feelings.

Try. Fail. Grow. Succeed. Repeat.

Let the weight of anything wash right over your soul and move on.

Buck social constructs if they don’t suit you.

Show up for the people who matter to you.

Don’t spend so much time looking at what you’re not that you can’t see what you are (and how extraordinary that is).

Ground yourself so your energy house cannot be shaken.

Live big.

Run wide open.

This one, wild life.


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Beth Jones  |  Contribution: 320

author: Beth Jones

Image: Maycon Marmo/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson