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January 10, 2021

whats in her mind. (reflective journal) Personal power in her thoughts

The different thoughts that run through my mind are endless, I think about to everything to my past failures, to if I should work out, or if I should study for my quiz that is due tomorrow, or if I need to shower at the moment. (which I usually force myself too if need be) One of the things that I have come to face, that not everyone who is supposed to love you like they are supposed to,(parent, sibling, friend, love interest) and it has everything to do with them. They haven’t been able to dive into their shadow self like I have and that’s OK. I needed to see that boundaries is an important part to having an healthy relationship.

I always looked at everything with rose-tinted glasses, and believed I was to remain struggling with my inner demons, not being able to speak my truth. Even as I am writing this I am conscious of the negative thoughts that are running through my mind. Thinking positive and changing your life style is very difficult, but not impossible. Its about being true to who you are, and looking at yourself in the mirror for who you are. Accepting your shadows of your past as is, and forgiving yourself for not knowing better.

I know facing my fears about putting my needs first, is hard but I will achieve what I want, and that maybe the stars.

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