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January 17, 2021

The Importance of Religious Art to Christians

Christian art and Russian Orthodox icons  in particular express the truth and beauty of the faith, the
unity of created and uncreated, and a deep sense of religious devotion. Here you have some more
reasons why holy figures, biblical events, and religious art overall are enormously important to Christians.

Religious art brings history to life
Icon painters and other artists use different textures, styles, and colors to expand people’s imagination and bring history to life. Religious books, such as the Bible, are highly descriptive, which helps visualize all the things, events, and people, but religious paintings and sculptures can even more fire our imagination, making biblical and historical events much easier to understand.

Religious art expounds a moral message
Religious paintings are used not only for aesthetic but also for reflective purposes. They are much more than beautiful art pieces hanging on the churches’ sidewalls and decorating the interior of people’s homes. They pass on the moral message of the religion from the perspective of their creators. Besides, since religious paintings and sculptures depict important scenes and stories from both the Old and the New Testament, they create a very special emotional atmosphere that connects us with the spiritual realm. It is no wonder that this kind of art is also used for meditation purposes.

Color symbolism in religious art
To tell a meaningful story in detail, artists and iconographers often use symbols when creating religious art pieces. In such a way, they relay a particular instruction or message. Paintings convey the same meaning as religious events described in holy books but without using any words.

One of the main symbols used in religious art is the color that has become a somewhat means of
communication. Here is a short list of the most common colors and their meaning in Christian art:

  • Yellow color. It symbolizes purity, light, youth, the harvest, happiness, love, benevolence, and hospitality. However, it can also be a symbol of cowardice or degradation.
  • Orange color. It stands for strength, endurance, fire, and flame. It is the color of the sun.
  • Green color. It represents freedom, the victory of life over death, and the breaking of shackles. This color also means hope, bountifulness, and fertility.
  • Red color. It is a symbol of fire, action, spiritual awakening, and charity. It signifies love and denotes the Holy Spirit. It also symbolizes Pentecost.
  • Black color. It glorifies eternity or the womb, the absolute, constancy, death, ignorance, and fear. It is the color of Good Friday.
  • Brown color. It represents the earth, monk’s robes, and God’s connection with the ordinary.
  • Blue color. It glorifies the life-giving air, blue skies, good health, and hope. It is a symbol of Advent.
  • White color. It stands for virginity, purity, birth, and innocence. White symbolizes Easter and Christmas.
  • Purple color. It means faith, patience, fasting, and trust. It is the liturgical color of Advent, Lent, and penance.

Most notable examples of religious art

  • “Christ Crucified” (1780) by Francisco de Goya. This neoclassical painting shows Jesus Christ on a cross as a suffering man who dies as a sacrifice for humanity.


  • “The Disputation of the Sacrament” (1509-1510) by Raphael. This beautiful painting plays an extremely important role in the religious world. It depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by His disciples. The work stands for a stable mind and unification.


  • “The Tears of Saint Peter” (c.1585) by El Greco. The artist depicted Saint Peter crying because of denying and betrayal of Jesus Christ. He is praying for forgiveness. The work stands for grievances, the sinful nature of people, and the faith of Christians.


Religious art is enormously important to Christians, as it represents the real meaning of religion and
helps people understand biblical teachings better. Besides, it is incredibly beautiful, allowing
anyone to enjoy this unique form of art.

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