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February 13, 2021

5 Ways Acroyoga TRANSFORMED My Relationship

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.

This Valentine’s Day, I share with you my story of how acroyoga brought us together, the role communication plays, and how our relationship has grown. By giving you a real-life example, I hope you can see the many benefits that acroyoga can bring to your relationship.

Acroyoga teaches communication, trust, intimacy, playfulness, and how to give and receive…

It is not couple’s therapy where we cut open our wounds and address our problems over years of therapy sessions. Just by doing Acroyoga, we are doing the hard work and don’t even realize it!

By working together and focusing on a common goal, we’ve strengthened the foundation of our relationship because we tapped into the way we truly see and hear one another. All while having a smile on our faces.

I would know, I’ve experienced it myself and been through it first-hand. I met my partner, Ksenia, through acroyoga. I’ve also taught acroyoga to other couples and seen the impact it has on relationships.

There are 5 key ways acroyoga improved my relationship!

I highlight 5 key areas that acroyoga has touched my relationship but this is by no means a fully comprehensive list of what acroyoga can do.


Communication is essential for Acroyoga. My partner and I learn to ask for what we need, to support one another, and to communicate on how best to work together.

This practice also teaches non-verbal communication which allows us to feel our partner’s movements and sense the feelings in their body.

My partner expects me to read their mind!? Well, now I can! I’ve learned to listen and feel, lead and follow, and tune-in to exactly what my partner needs.


Acroyoga is the ultimate trust-building exercise. I must trust my partner as much as I trust myself for this all to work. Our lives are in each other’s hands.

It’s an incredible feeling being able to reliably keep my partner safe and know that they are doing the same for me.


We get very close to one another which makes acroyoga an intimate (but not sexual) practice by nature. I can share with my partner what I like, explain what feels good, and describe what doesn’t.

This highly intimate practice translates amazingly into building intimacy in our relationship.

We can bring this intimacy into our relationship as far as we want to take it. What better way to get close to one another this Valentine’s Day!?


The term used for doing acroyoga is “playing” and for a good reason! We have fun, laugh, and smile when we allow ourselves to be in the moment with one another.

Often, playfulness is something powerful that we don’t get enough of in our relationships. It was there during that initial spark but if we don’t make it a priority then it can get lost in the seriousness of life.

By making time for acroyoga, we gift ourselves the opportunity to just play and have fun, like we used to.


It helps to step into my partner’s shoes and see things from their point of view. Not only does acroyoga help me understand their perspective, but it also teaches me how to give and receive within my partnership.

I learn to ask for what I need and be ready to receive it. I listen to what my partner wants and how to give it to her. Acroyoga leaves me feeling like a magic genie in a bottle capable of granting any wish, yet still fulfilling my own.

A goodbye kiss…

Although this is a Valentine’s Day special about romantic relationships, ALL of this applies to any type of relationship.

Acroyoga is not just for those in romantic relationships by any means. Use acroyoga to transform and deepen friendships or family relationships. The benefits from this practice are far-reaching and evergreen.

Grab a friend, a sibling, coworker, or even a stranger and start acroyoga today! Trust me, you’ll learn something new.

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