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February 17, 2021

The Brink Of Success

Photo by Ono Kosuki on Pexels.

I’ve returned! It’s been a couple of weeks. So much has happened in that time, the biggest being selected as a one of the faces of my workplace. Little old me, finally cementing myself, in a form of success. I have to say getting the email, was a shock, I cried happy tears. I never would have thought that all the advocating I’ve done on behalf of myself and others, would lead to such an opportunity. To be able to put my life and experiences into words, on my own platform, was nerve wracking, as well as satisfying. During a month where my culture is celebrated, I’m blown away by the support of the administration. The two other individuals that I’m following, I look up to immensely, and I strive to become on their caliber.

I’ve also written my second article, picked up another brand ambassador opportunity, and I’m slowly building myself up in the mental health community. It’s not all in who you know, it’s the development of a connection that you create with like minded individuals. Sometime in the near future I will be interviewed for a podcast, by a woman who’s story touched my heart. She goes by America’s Supermom, and if you heard what she’s accomplished you would agree, I am blessed to have come in contact with someone with such grace. In the day and age of us being separated by this pandemic, building a bridge is something I have set my intentions on, especially this year. I’m all in, success or bust, I won’t allow my dreams to fall by the wayside.

My writing, which continues to mature and evolve, is my main focus. Not to say that Taaury37, the podcast isn’t vital to me, but right now my words are so much more fluid. The ideas that pour from these fingers and my mind, have helped me to find a new version of Taaureane. I close my eyes, and before I begin to type, I think of what I can bring a voice to. I’ve tackled many subjects here, and intertwined my life’s purpose into it all. I am not in this for any kind of recognition, my goal is to bring you the other side of life. The one that is muddy, not so shiny, but exist. It’s important not to lump all experiences and displeasures together, but to show how parallel they run into pure joy and moments of absolute bliss.

I like to say that I’m that in between. I’ve felt every emotion there is in this world, 360 and back again. Everything I’ve gone through has lead to this moment, from the absolute breakdowns and tears, to a smile that is so big my teeth hurt. My story is the one I share with you, each post, a handwritten tapestry and diary. As I become a writer fully, then just a blogger, I thank you for being on this journey with me. For listening to my inner most thoughts, and accepting me for who I am. At the end of the day we are all human beings, same blood flows through our systems. We may even share the same dreams, however we obtain those is how we differ. What I have learned lately though, is who I am, the layers of who I was and what I’ve become.

I am Taaureane, wife and best friend, worker and daughter, and confidant. I’m 38 years and an old soul, I smile beneath my mask, I have an unmistakable laugh, you won’t forget. Once you are a friend of mine, you become my family. My eyes show the empathy that I have for the world, my heart is something I wear truly on my sleeve and my goal in life is to make a difference. Writing is a window into my soul, that is always open, and I hope I leave an everlasting mark on the world.

Take Care,


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