February 24, 2021

Full Moon in Virgo: A Time for Healing Deep Wounds. {February 27th}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


On February 27th, 2021, the Full Moon in Virgo may provide a powerful cosmic portal.

Survivors of childhood sexual abuse might want to use this time to acknowledge and heal the self-neglect resulting from trauma.

Virgo is the healing energy of the zodiac. She is the trusted voice of knowledge on the other end, answering our call for help.

Virgo harnesses the wisdom of the Earth in her body and thus carries within herself the knowledge of how to heal from within. 

“Apologize to your body. Maybe, that’s where the healing begins.” ~ Nayyirah Waheed

Virgo’s sensitivity to the needs of the body fosters her unsurpassed concern for maintaining our well-being. This means that the Virgo astrological energy thrives on its adept responsiveness to the needs of our bodies.

Masterfully expressed Virgo energy is the ability to transform an embodied sense of knowing into a tangible creation.

Virgo exemplifies the capacity to unite our hearts, minds, and bodies—to enact our visions into reality. Thus, the Virgo lunar phase conjures the emotional need to feel at peace with thoughts and actions.

The Virgo astrological energy ignites our inner child’s emotional desire to feel proud of their unique creative expression. That’s because Virgo invigorates an energetic climate in which we seek the emotional satisfaction of executing our thoughts and feelings into desired outcomes.

Hence, the Virgo astrological essence is the quintessential energy of becoming. The seed and the fruit of our creative potential are embodied in Virgo’s capacity to envision and implement its wisdom into form. 

For survivors of childhood sexual abuse, this lunar phase may trigger the shadow wound of feeling emotionally obligated to serve someone else’s wishes instead of prioritizing our own best interest.

Attuning to the Virgo essence as a lunar astrological medium might reveal that the inner child—whose hands felt tied during an experience of childhood sexual abuse—feels more disappointed in themselves because this lunar phase stimulates the need to honor our boundaries. 

Virgo’s desire for service is misdirected outwardly into an obligation toward others during the compensatory response of abandoning oneself.

This survival pattern may manifest as a heightened tendency to notice and fix whatever we perceive as “wrong” with ourselves, others, and our environments. A preoccupation that freezes our inner child’s nervous system in a tunnel vision of becoming stuck on our mistakes. 

During the Virgo lunar phase, self-healing practices entail connecting to our inner child’s unmet emotional desire to feel rewarded for their actions. Our ability to empathize with our inner child’s feelings of remorse enables this part of us to fulfill their desire for self-forgiveness.

An embodied process for reconnecting to our body’s unmet emotional needs focuses on the pain points that arise in our bodies during any emotionally triggering experiences. 

Taking slow, deep breaths while simultaneously observing our body’s discomfort integrates Virgo’s capacity to focus our minds, hearts, and bodies on our immediate experience.

Directing our awareness to the suppressed sensations, which have been neglected by our inattention, can allow our authentic expression of our grief in a manner that relieves our body’s desire to feel loved

Virgo epitomizes the spiritual wisdom that we already possess—the knowledge, potential, and dedication to create our desired experience of fulfillment.

Harmonizing with the astrological energy of this constellation might allow us to begin healing from self-resentment. 

The personality resonance of an embodied Virgo energy is Jada Pinkett Smith.

My astrologically-channeled, self-healing movie for this Virgo lunar phase is Disney’s “Pocahontas.”

Watch it between February 26th and 28th, 2021, and connect to another Virgo’s courageous devotion to her destiny.


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author: Ini Anana

Image: muhammedsalah/instagram

Editor: Kate Force