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March 10, 2021

Victimology vs Leadership

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.


Victims always think cant …. Leaders see possibility

Victims hate reading ………   Leaders understand that the Keys to Living are in the type of words you read and speak to yourself.

Victims are addicted to entertainment/distractions …… Leaders value their time much more and are focused.

Victims always look for others to blame  …… Leaders own the issue.

Victims always look at what others do or have done  …….. Leaders are too busy doing to notice what another has done.

Victims always make excuses …… Leaders make corrections.

Victims love comparisons …… Leaders understand that their are many paths.

Victims never take risks…. Leaders understand that risks lead to growth and innovation.

Victims see stumbling Blocks while Leaders see challenges.

Victims are always taking instead of giving ……. Leaders understand the more people you help, the closer you get to your goals.

Victims always do just enough – Leaders do more than required.

Victims think how many hours – Leaders think how much value can I fit into these hours.

Victims see a world that is against them …. Leaders understand that an airplane takes off against the strong winds.

Victims are always holding Pity-Parties ………..  Leaders understand that they must stop associating with the toxic, the victims, because their mindset is contagious.

Look at your behavior, Friends, Habits, Amount of Entertainment vs Education you engage in; Adopt a Change Mindset, in order to change Your Life. Stop practicing to be a victim, victims get welfare, while leaders enjoy Life to the Fullest!

Start being the Leader of your Life today! ~ Sheldon Scipio

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