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April 12, 2021

If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re doing this, you’re ruining your own success.

Photo by Alexandr Drobyshev on Pexels.

“I am my business” ….. this is a belief commonly held by many entrepreneurs, and it does nothing but get in the way of their success.

Let me explain – in Nikola Tesla’s words “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.

Literally everything is made of energy. It flows through us and through everything around us.

As humans, we all work with our own unique set of energies and what many entrepreneurs never come to understand is that their business also has its own unique set of energies; ones which are rarely the same as those we are working with at a personal level.

So the belief that we are our business; that there is no distinction between our own self and the vehicle that generates our income, is a misconception.

When there is an understanding that there are two sets (at least) of energies available to call on;  to assist and maximize impact, to drive natural skills and talents, to provide access to different motivations and desires, we can begin to work WITH our business instead of against it. We literally begin to harness and work with twice the amount of energy we previously did.

Entrepreneurs who come to understand this distinction between their own and their business energies gain a level of perception, motivation and inspiration that can change the whole trajectory of their business success.

So, instead of ‘I am my business’, why not try this on for size…

‘I am CONNECTED with my Business’ and begin to allow space for two entities where once you thought there was one.

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