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April 14, 2021

Dzi Stones

What is a Dzi?

Dzi (pronounced Zee) is a Tibetan word used to describe a patterned, usually agate, of mainly oblong, round, cylindrical or tabular shape pierced lengthwise called Heaven’s Bead (tian zhu) in Chinese.

The meaning of the Tibetan word “Dzi” translates to “shine, brightness, clearness, splendour”. The beads originate in the Tibetan cultural sphere and can command high prices and are difficult to come by. They are found primarily in Tibet, but also in neighbouring Bhutan, Ladakh and Sikkim. Shepherds and farmers pick them up in the grasslands or while cultivating fields. Because dZi are found in the earth, Tibetans cannot conceive of them as man-made. Since knowledge of the bead is derived from oral traditions, few beads have provoked more controversy concerning their source, method of manufacture and even precise definition. This all contributes to making them the most sought after and collectable beads on earth.

Dzi stones are said to do a number of things. Some protect its wearer from negative energies or accidents, some attract wealth or wisdom, while others might bring you love and happiness.

One thing to remember concerning these curious little stones is this, a Dzi stone may repel things, but it also can store them. When a negativism comes at you, your stone may block it or absorb it. They can also give very positive energies to you, while absorbing a bit of your energy in the process. In other words, a bit of them goes into you and a bit of you will go into them.

The downside to this is that if you are not the original possessor of the stone, you may get slapped with some of the first owners bad kharma. The way to prevent this from happening is to “cleanse” your Dzi stone when you get it. This will release all of that stored up nastiness, and will allow you to introduce yourself to your Dzi stone, and form a fresh spiritual bond.

Tibetan Dzi beads are felt by Tibetans to be of supernatural origins. It is inconceivable to most Tibetans queried told the same set of stories concerning the origin of Dzi.

Offered first was the belief that in ancient times dZi were the ornaments of semi-gods who threw them away whenever they became blemished even slightly; this is said to be the reason that hardly any of the beads are found in perfect condition.

Next came the story involves a man who saw one of these ‘insects’ high in the mountains and threw his hat over it to capture it. When he removed the hat, the ‘insect’ had become petrified. In its place lay a dZi. Other stories relate that Dzi were encountered in the high mountains by someone with especially good karma who managed to catch them. But in coming into contact with the human touch, the Dzi petrified. Other tales are told of Dzi being found in slaughtered animal horns or in cattle dung. Dr. R. Nebesky-Woikowitz (1952) recounts in ‘Prehistoric Beads From Tibet,’ a legend from Ngari, Western Tibet.

It is believed that Dzi originated from a mountain near Rudok. In ancient times, they were said to flow down its slopes like streams. One day, however, a wicked woman cast the “evil eye” on the mountain and the flow immediately stopped. And to this day, so the legend claims, the characteristic black and white stripes of the Dzi are still seen where the dZi once issued.

The “insect” theory of the origin of Dzi seems to be very widespread and is cited to explain various peculiarities. This, the Tibetan claim, is why sometimes a great number of Dzi are found forming a kind of ‘nest’. Some believe that even after the beads have been unearthed, some will continue to move about for a little while. In any case, to the Tibetan, the Dzi is not man-made bead, but a precious jewel of supernatural origin.

The number of “eyes” on a Dzi stone will tell you its purpose and particular strength……….

1. The 1 eyed Dzi bead stands for a beacon of light and hope. This powerful eye is believed to enhance human wisdom, and bring forth happiness for life.

2. The 2 eyed Dzi enables harmony between husband and wife; build a happy family, successful career, and good relationships with others.

3. The 3 eyed Dzi bead represents the three stars of luck, happiness, honor, and longevity. It is the bead of wealth and health to bring continuous fortune.

4. The 4 eyed Dzi helps To Overcome Negative Forces, Clears Obstacles, Increases Merits & Longevity, Subdue Demons.

5. The 5 eyed Dzi is considered a magical item and is highly sought after. It assists one in obtaining whatever one desires, so it is a very desired bead. Endless happiness.

6. The 6 eyed Dzi eliminates sadness and sufferings in life, and increases access to good luck.

7. The 7 eyed Dzi helps one to Achieve Fame, Glory, Perfection, Career, Wealth, Relationship, and Health & Longevity.

8. The 8 eyed Dzi helps to guard against calamities and catastrophes. Assists the owner in finding and staying on their proper path.

9. The 9 eyed Dzi bead assists its owner to Gather Wealth, Achieve Good Health, Success, Gain Power, Compassion, Glory, and Expelling Evil & Acts as a Protector.

10. The 10 eyed Dzi removes obstacles in the road of career development, gains favorable comments on you from others, and omens a happy relationship with your spouse.

11. The 11 eyed Dzi helps to eradicate evil intentions and reduces craving, leading to a peace of the heart and mind.

12. The 12 eyed Dzi empowers one with the ability to surpass expectations and attain fame and recognition.

13. The 13 eyed Dzi allows one to learn to communicate with the ancestors as well as other dimensions and realities.

14. The 14 eyed Dzi helps to protect the mind from clutter and help with kharma issues.

15. The 15 eyed Dzi increases the wearer’s wisdom, releases human suffering and brings forth general good fortune in human life.

16. The 16 eyed Dzi Brings back the humor in life. Reminds one that it is through play and joy that all things may be obtained. Helps to repel sadness, depression, melancholy, sorrowfulness, and the blues.

17. The 17 eyed Dzi can assist to improve the self image. It allows others to see you the way you see yourself in your unconscious mind. It protects owner from the images of others.

18. The 18 eyed Dzi can help to protect against obsessions and compulsions. Helps to protect against addictive personality traits. Alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual addiction, gambling and all other addictions.

19. The 19 eyed Dzi enhances the owner’s ability to manifest and materialize the necessary things in one’s life.

20. The 20 eyed Dzi assists in purification. This Dzi can enhance owner’s process of preparation for ending the cycle of rebirth. It is very rare.

21. The 21 eyed Dzi enhances your magic power, realizes what you desire to the maximum extent. I magnifies all the characteristics of the other beads and focuses them into one stone. It is very sought after.

It is very important to cleanse your Dzi stone once you receive it. You need to get rid of all the stored up energy in it, and then ask it to bond with you.

The first thing to do is to hold your stone, in your hand, under running water for a few minutes. Water is very important as a spiritual cleansing agent in many eastern philosophies. Everyone knows a park with a stream, or a favorite place near a river (I suppose the kitchen sink will work too), that they can perform this at. Remember to keep positive thoughts in your head as you are doing this.

After you dry off your stone, put the stone between your palms as if you are praying. Bring your thumb tips up until they touch the tip of your nose (this is called a “Wei”). Now, quietly, and sincerely, ask the stone to be a part of your life. Ask it to help protect you, and assure it that you will respect and take good care of it.

After you have done this Let your Dzi stone sit outside in the sun for several hours. This helps to cleanse it, and also adds power to it. Some claim that burying your Dzi in the earth for the night of the full moon will also help energize it.

This cleansing ritual should be done at least once a month, so you don’t have any negative bogies that the Dzi stone caught hanging about.

Other ways to help add power to your Dzi stone are moonlight, earth, and prayer. Let your Dzi stone sit outside beneath a full moon. The moons energy will gently help build your Dzi stone’s power. You can also bury your Dzi stone in the earth overnight, this will help both cleanse and add power to it. Praying never hurts. Praying, chanting ( Om Mani Padme Om ), or just sending positive energy to your Dzi stone will all help it help you.

The Tibetan people take their beliefs in the Dzi stones very seriously. They respect it as the Thai respect their Phra. As a result of this, you should always take your Dzi stone off before you go to bed, or before having sex (yeah, I know, I can’t figure that one out either). When you aren’t wearing your Dzi stone, please keep it in a high place, above most other things. This is a sign of respect for it.

Many people consider the number of “eyes” on a Dzi stone when collecting. But there are also many Dzi stones that have symbols or images on them too. These are also attributed with special focused abilities. Here are a few….

Banded or Striped Dzi Bead: There are three classes of beads that are often confused for one another. They are the thread bead, the striped bead, and the banded bead. Thread is the smallest marking. Striped beads have a little larger than thread marking. Banded beads have large swatches of markings. Beads can have bands separated by stripes. Thread beads are always single marking and not combined with other symbols. Each striped and banded beads can have one or more markings going across the bead. Threads are always some form of healer, Stripes are always some form of wealth or money, Banded are always comfort, luxury, or lifestyle. Please read description under Striped Dzi Beads.

Bat Dzi Bead: The word bat means birth. The bat Dzi works with all things having to do with birth and beginnings. The bat has excellent radar and sonar and can travel easily avoiding running into walls, trees and the like. The Bat Dzi will help the owner with sonar and radar assisting with all forms of navigation. This Dzi always strives to keep things new, fresh and beginning. Where some Dzi help with endings the bat strives always to begin. It does not like to focus on finishing or ending. For the entrepreneur the bat assists the owner in continuously fresh ideas. The bat is nocturnal bringing to the owner nocturnal navigation as well as daytime. The nocturnal navigation assists the dream body as well as the subconscious and unconscious minds in navigating their realms. In Tibet as well as all of China the bat is seen as a very lucky omen. The bat Dzi is good for all aspects of the mind, but strongest on the subconscious and unconscious minds. This Dzi assists the owner in all forms of navigating. This Dzi assists its owner in understanding that newness and beginnings represent change, and that change does not have to be fearful or stressful. The bat is connected historically to healing, spells, potions, and all forms of magic. The bat is often associated with the world of witches, wizards, and alchemy itself being an ingredient in many potions and spells. In the world of the Tibetan the bat is seen as a familiar to shamans, witchdoctors, and sometimes evil doers. The bat is again another Dzi whose direction is determined by the owner. If the owner has ill intent the bat Dzi will be used negatively and cause karma. If the owner uses the bat with an openness of love and freedom from ego the owner will accrue merit and grace. The bat can assist the owner in having a magical life free from evil and negativity. The bat may not be alone on the bead. You will need to study the other symbols in order to understand everything that the Bat Dzi Bead can do for its owner.

“Bodhi” Dzi Bead: Establishes good virtues and eliminates misfortune in your life, gives you a generous and lenient heart. This Dzi bead helps to avoid dangers, Growth in Compassion, Wisdom & Enlightenment. In Buddhist lore, Prince Siddhartha Gautama was enlightened after meditating under a Bodhi tree some 2548 years ago. He is now popularly known as the Buddha Shakyamuni or the Lord Buddha and recognized as the founder of Buddhism. The Bodhi tree Dzi establishes good virtues and eliminates life’s misfortunes.

Broken Dzi Bead: This can be any bead that has broken off a chunk of itself. Some small tiny little chips around the thread holes can make it a tonic bead. (Read tonic Dzi bead) In the case of Fire Burial beads they may have a small divot or chip anywhere on the bead. These are sometimes caused during the time the bead is in the fire. These pieces are released from the body of the bead due to heating and cooling that the bead goes through. These divots/chips will always be used for medicine or potions. (See Fire Burial Dzi Bead) To tell whether the bead qualifies to be considered broken, check to see if any portion of the bead’s symbols, lines, eyes, etc. have been broken into. If the bead’s symbols have been broken it is considered broken. If the symbols are in tact it is considered still viable. When a large portion of the bead breaks off the bead is seen as being finished with its work. It is time for the bead to be retired and allowed to rest as its reward for all of the work it has done. Some times the beads energy is spent. Some times the bead has collected so much negativity that it causes it to break or burst in order to relieve the negativity. When one of your beads break, bury it somewhere in or around your home. You can bury it in a house plant, or outside near a tree or you can create a sacred place for it to be buried. You may also find a nice place in nature to bury the bead. The bead will continue indefinitely to radiate energy even if it will no longer take an active role in the owner’s life.

Da Ren Dzi Bead: (Looks like a stick figure of a man with a head at both ends.) This Dzi beads can help with karma Cleansing, Determination & Safety.

Dharma Hat Dzi Bead: Looks like a heart shape that is smashed down, and has a small hook in it. The Dharma Hat motif on this Dzi bead is a symbol of holy protection. As such, this Dzi bead is a spiritual object or talisman. “Dharma” means “protection”. By practicing Buddha’s teachings we protect our self from suffering and problems. All the problems we experience during daily life originate in ignorance, and the method for eliminating ignorance is to practice Dharma. Practicing Dharma and “wearing” the Dharma hat is the method for improving the quality of our human life. The quality of life depends not upon external development or material progress, but upon the inner development of peace and happiness which Dharma bestows on us. For example, in the past many Buddhists lived in poor and underdeveloped countries, but they were able to find pure, lasting happiness by practicing what Buddha had taught.

Diamond Dzi Bead: Represents the Dorje/Vajra. The Dorje/Vajra is a thunderbolt that destroys all kinds of ignorance, & is itself indestructible. It represents the male aspect in a ritual process. The wearer will face less hindrance in whatever he does & work can proceed smoothly with ease. Owner will be surrounded by positive vibrant energies. Just as each diamond must be found and then faceted to show its hidden beauty. The self also lays waiting with its many facets wanting to be discovered and revealed. The diamond bead assists in bringing to light all that is beautiful or dormant within the self. It allows the owner to live in a state of beauty and brilliance. The brilliance of the diamond shines on the wearer to illuminate and chase away that which is ugly, leaving only beauty to shine through. The bead with the diamond usually is found with another symbol on it. Read the description for the other symbology. The diamond bead is rare.

Diamond & Pestle Dzi Bead: This bead is one of the healer beads. This bead assists the mind of the healer and will be of most benefit in the hands of a healer rather than a layman. It has diamonds with pestles in between the diamonds. Mortar and pestle is used to grind herbs into medicines. This bead enhances the mind of the healer to assist in finding the recipes that will do the greatest good for the patient. The medicine god and medicine Buddha are beckoned to assist in locating and creating the best formulas for the ill. While the pestle assists with formulas for the body. The diamond assists in shining its brilliance onto formulas that will assist the mind and spirit to heal. The Diamond Pestle Dzi is known as a magic instrument to keep ghost from human body and improve health & wisdom. This bead is scarce and hard to find. Those that own this bead are not quick to let them go.

Dorje Dzi Bead: Also referred to as the “Dharma Dzi Bead” or the “Dorje & Diamond Dzi Bead”. The dorje is a sacred tool that Tibetans and Buddhists use to help them reach enlightenment. The Dorje assists in connecting to Vajradhara. Vajradhara is the primordial Buddha, the dharmakaya Buddha. Vajradhara, depicted as dark blue in color, expresses the quintessence of Buddha hood itself. Vajradhara represents the essence of the historical Buddha’s realization of enlightenment. In addition to assisting the owner in their realization of enlightenment the “Dorje Dzi Bead” possesses special powers, immeasurable control and increases concentration.

Dragon-Eyed Dzi Bead: This 6 EYE represents the Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. It is the Root of Happiness & Good Karma. This Dzi bead can help to Overcome Negative Forces from Foes & Competitors. Dragons are considered to reside at and perhaps to be the source of life, and from which all physical life comes. Enable One to Connect All 3 Key Components i.e. Body, Mind & Heart. Achieve Good Health, Wealth & Success. Dragons love their wealth. They love to hoard and gather all forms of wealth to themselves. Remember that wealth is not necessarily abundance. The dragon Dzi may assist the owner with learning how to roll in wealth. Dragons are great at bringing wealth to themselves. They would be considered advanced or masters of wealth. Dragons hoard their riches, thus assisting the owner in learning how to keep and maintain their wealth while gaining yet greater wealth. Dragons are considered by Tibetans to be at the top of the animal hierarchy. They are the strongest physically, mentally, spiritually and magically. All dragons are alchemists, breathing fire and creating magic. Dragons are masters of manifestation and materialization. Dragons are all masters of magic, both creating magic and living magically. The dragon brings magic in all of its form to the owner of the “Dragon Eyed Dzi Bead”. Dragons live in the dimensions between earth and heaven. When dragons are in the earth dimension they will generally live in great caves where they can move around easily. This makes the dragon very useful in assisting the owner of the Dzi bead to delve into and understand their subconscious and unconscious minds. Dragons can seek out saboteurs, stopping the unconscious minds from sabotaging the creations of the owner. Dragons have had to hide to stay alive for so many millennia that they have become great at finding things lost, and perceiving even the slightest threat. This makes dragon extremely great protectors and masters of subtly. Dragons bring both of these skills with them to assist their master. Dragons will only respond to a human if they are its master. Each dragon Dzi bead is connected to a dragon, and each dragon may be connected to several different Dzi beads. The “Dragon Eyed Dzi Bead” connects the human owner to the dragon they will master.

Dragon-Eye Dzi Bead-Ruffled Eye: (Ruffled eye) The symbol on this bead is a single eye with a ruffle around it. Usually only occurs one ruffle per bead. This Dzi bead calls the dragon to lend an eye and to keep an eye on the owner. The dragon is all forms of genesis and new beginnings. Dragons always consume the purest of all foods and drink. Dragons hoard precious things, and will enhance the owner’s ability to find and keep precious things as well as preciousness within. The dragon is the greatest protector of all. Read the other symbology on the bead and include the dragon eye inside of the ruffle as one eye, not two eyes. The ruffle is not counted as an eye. The dragon assists, magnifies and enhances all of the other symbology on the bead. A Dzi bead with a ruffled eye is not the same as a “Dragon Dzi Bead” and does not allow the owner of the bead to be master to a dragon. Only a “Dragon Dzi Bead” itself can master a dragon.

Dragon Skin Dzi Bead: Rather than being symbols of a dragon, dragon skin refers to the texture of the bead itself. At first look the bead will appear to be very weathered full of weathering marks and perhaps cracks. Well, it is not weathering marks, it is crackle marks. The dragon skin is formed by burning. Tibetans named this effect on the Dzi bead as ‘Dragon Skin’. The dragon skin texture is created during in a certain event. Lamas (Tibetan Monk) offer the Dzi bead to Buddha as a thanksgiving. They put the Dzi bead into a stove and start burning. At the same time while the stove with the Dzi bead is burning, hundreds of Lamas (monks) started their chanting. Finally, the Dzi bead comes out of the stove with ‘Dragon Skin’ texture. Just imagine how powerful a Dzi bead would be after being chanted upon by Lamas for so many days in the temple. Dragon skin Dzi beads are all very, very old as this particular ritual has not been done in hundreds of years. In addition to the burning of the bead the bead needs to be very old before it will change into the dragon skin texture. When younger beads are put in the stove to burn the result is the “Fire Burial Dzi Bead”. Authorities on DZI beads often use dragon skin texturing as a way of identifying age of a bead. Many of these beads can be (+) or (-) 2,000 years old. A Dzi bead with dragon skin is not the same as a “Dragon Dzi Bead” and does not allow the owner of the bead to master a dragon. Only a “Dragon Dzi Bead” itself can master a dragon.

Dragon Marks Dzi Bead: Rather than being a particular symbol on a Dzi bead, are a certain type of markings found on some Dzi beads. Some of the agate or chalcedony that the Dzi bead is carved from is comprised of layers of agate. Certain agate or chalcedony will not accept the etching material that the symbols on Dzi beads are derived from. The areas that refuse the etching are left having no bead design. These are known as dragon marks when they occur. The agate that refuses the color will almost always be a light gray/white in color. Dragon marks are said to occur when the dragon was digging for Dzi beads and accidentally clawed into a bead or two. Any Dzi bead marked by a dragon is said to have caught the eye of the dragon and was then dropped or discarded by the dragon because it was imperfect. Dragons hoard their riches, but always insist that the items of wealth it hoards are as perfect as possible. Being clawed by the dragon the bead is said to carry some of the energy of the dragon. A Dzi bead marked by a dragon is not the same as a “Dragon Dzi Bead” and does not allow the owner of the bead to be master to a dragon. Only a “Dragon Dzi Bead” itself can master a dragon.

Eagle’s Mouth Dzi Bead: This Dzi symbolizes a life of comfort and the fulfillment of all wishes. It has the ability to turn adverse situations into auspicious ones.

Earth Sky Dzi Bead: Earth is square. Balances yin and yang, helps those in bad conditions out and embrace good luck. The square depicts the earth, the source and basis of all living beings. The significance of this combination is said to bring balance and serenity in the order of life, and turn an individual’s potentiality into actual vibrant and useful energy and achieve greater things in his life. The added significance of the eye or dot in the center of the circle motif is the arriving of good opportunities for the individual at the right time.

Elements Dzi Bead: The elements bead appears to have the waves of water. These can also be peaks or peaks of mountains. The circle represents Sun. Some have the square or rectangle representing earth. The elements bead could best be called an Alchemy Bead. The elements bead brings together all of the major forces in the human life. Once brought together they can be combined and recombined to create great strengths and callings. This bead is also considered to be a universe bead. However it is not a true universe bead. This Dzi bead assists in bringing out and opening latent talents and abilities that lay dormant within the person. Talents and abilities having to do with the earth, sky, sun, and those things that make up the physical being. This bead can afford one a measure of protection from negative and radiation energies. Helps to transmute and transform many of the energies that cause the owner of the bead to have a life that is less than totally enjoyable. This Dzi bead can assist with herbology, gardening, and of the hobby skills that play with the life forces of the elements. The element bead can also assist the owner in connecting to the planes and levels of the deva and little folk. Magnifying Power Combines The 3 Main Forces In The Universe: Heaven, Earth & Human. Captures The Energy From The Heaven & Earth, Converts It Into Continuous Moving Energy To Achieve One’s Goal.

Felicity Dzi Bead: (Also referred to as the insect bead) Looks like two headed insect. Check the reverse side of the felicity bead. You may find the bat. This Dzi symbolizes the wonderful blessings of abundance happiness & good fortune & longevity.

Fire Burial Dzi Bead: These Dzi beads are very special and very rare beads. They should be considered investment beads when found as they are rare, old, usually plus 500 years and if in good condition very valuable. Fire Burial Dzi beads are beads that have been used in specific Tibetan ceremonies. As part of the ceremony these beads are buried deep in the coals of a fire. Later when the bead is retrieved it has the whitish, rusty exterior that makes fire burial beads so distinctive and desirable. Fire burial Dzi should all be considered healing and or tonic beads. Usually the bead is chosen to go into the fire because it has proven itself as a Dzi bead. It has usually been credited with some sort of miracle or healing. Generally small divots or chips will be chipped from the bead. These tiny chips do not decrease the value of the bead. They actually increase its value. The chips will be ground up and used in potions or medicines for others. The design on the outside of the bead is usually reapplied after the fire. This is why the design is often times quite bright and almost new looking. The fire damages the original design. The design on the bead will tell you what it chooses to assist its owner with. Fire burial beads however, are many, many times stronger than another normal bead of the same type. Fire burial Dzi beads are considered so powerful and there are so few of them that it used to be only the highest ranked Tibetans and priests owned them.

Garuda Healing Dzi Bead: One side of this bead contains 5 circles or eyes that make up a cross in the center of the bead. The 5 circles represent the directional wealth gods, and the directional medicine Buddhas. The five directions represented are North, South, East, West, and above. The opposite side has what looks like a geometric shape of some kind. This glyph represents lightening. Lightening destroys ignorance. Sometimes this bead is referred to as a lightening bead. Helps To Overcome Negative Forces, Clears Obstacles and Increases Merits & Longevity, Subdue Demons, Blessings From the 5 Directional Wealth Gods, Gather Wealth & Brings Good Fortune. Sound of the Garuda beads will have Kwan Yin rather than lightening on the other side. One should also read about the 5 eyed Dzi bead. There is an additional Garuda Dzi bead the has the outline of a bird on the bead. The design runs the length of the bead. The reverse may have another bird, or a cross of 5 eyes, or a symbol of lightening. This form of Garuda is by far the hardest and scarcest to find. Not very many were ever made with the bird motif. The Garuda is a magical bird from the Hindu religion and is popular in much of Indonesia and other areas where Hinduism and Buddhism have mingled together.

Heart Dzi Bead: Hearts are generally not alone, but rather come inside of nectar bottles. Whether the heart is inside nectar bottle or standing alone or with a cross or hat on top of it, it will always represent life. The heart when in combination brings life to the other symbols. When the heart appears to be on its own it will represent the universal life force that flows through each human. The heart Dzi can add life to anything it is connected with. This bead can assist the owner to feel more alive. It can assist the owner to get into contact with their own life force. This bead can assist the owner in learning how to use their life force in different and unusual ways the owner may not have thought of before.

Heaven & Earth Dzi Bead: Earth is square. Heaven is circle. This Dzi bead combines the 3 main forces in the Universe: Dzi Heaven, Earth & Human. Captures the Energy from the Heaven & Earth, converts it into continuous moving energy to achieve one’s goal. It can help you to make your dreams come true. Flawlessness in all areas of one’s life. It is believed that the sky and earth Dzi bead will assist its owner in achieving balance and harmony in his life. It’ll also help to clear any obstacles which may cause harm to its owner. Wealth and good health will also be bestowed on its owner. Businessmen are fond of this Dzi bead as they believe that this bead will bring them great wealth and prosperity.

“Herb” Dzi Bead: One of the healer beads. This bead assists the mind of the healer and will be of most benefit in the hands of a healer rather than a layman. The herb bead attacks at the roots of disease rather than the symptoms. This bead can assist to remove the roots of diseases, and controls their growth. This Dzi ensures health. This bead is extremely rare. This Dzi assists the owner to plant new roots of health. Creates balance so that wellness can be maintained. Helps the owner to have a healthy focus, and a healthy mind. Helps remove diseased attitudes, replacing them with healthy ones. Assists in obtaining a wellness lifestyle. This Dzi is probably one of the strongest healing bead if available. The herb Dzi bead is often times considered too strong for the lay person. Many Tibetans believe herb beads should be in the hands of healers to be able to access the full potential. The herb bead is also a medicine bead, this means it assists owner in finding the correct “medicine” for the disease or condition one is experiencing. The herb Dzi bead is an extremely scarce bead.

Horse Dzi Bead: To the Tibetans the horse represents a very sacred animal. The Tibetan name is “Tasso” meaning Windhorse. The Windhorse carries prayers to the heavens and bring blessings back from the heavens. The horse is thought to be a spiritual communicator, messenger, and carrier. The Dzi bead with a horse will assist the owner in connecting with and communicating with the spiritual world of being. This Dzi bead will assist in maintaining the strongest connections possible with the owner’s guidance and own spiritual self. The horse Dzi assists the owner in developing a self that includes their spiritual side. The horse represents stamina, endurance, beauty, elegance and freedom and will bring these things to the owner. The horse will assist the owner in staying free of troubles and avoiding pitfalls and danger. The Windhorse will assist in setting the mind free so that it may soar. The horse has been used for a long time for transportation. The horse of the Dzi bead will assist the owner in many forms of transporting and transportation. Horses can be very great jumpers, assisting the owner in jumping over hurdles and dangers. Will assist the owner in leaping to things before they are missed, thus opening more doors, being in the right place at the right time, etc. Horses are known to have great speed, thus creating a quickening within the mind and soul of the owner. This allows the owner to evolve spiritually and mentally at a much faster or quickened rate. Horses can become very loyal to their owners, just as the horse Dzi bead will become very affectionate and loyal to its owner. The horse is considered the premier remover of obstacles. The horse does not remove obstacles as much as it leaps or jumps over them. The horse is generally not alone on a Dzi bead, so you will need to understand the other symbols in order to see the whole picture of what the horse Dzi bead can do for its owner. Also read Tasso Dzi Bead.

Insect Dzi Bead: (Also called Felicity bead) Looks like a two headed insect. Is often considered to appear to appear to be the underside of the bat. Enhances longevity and health. Helps reveal early warning signs of illness getting started. Assists body in sloughing off attitudes that could lead to disease and illness. Helps to focus mind on healing, and healthy attitudes.

Kwan Yin Dzi Bead: Kwan Yin Pu Sa (also known as Chenrezig in Tibet) is the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, & is one of the most popular Bodhisattvas in all of Asia. Her name roughly translates as “The One who Hears the Cries of the World.” It is reckoned that Kwan Yin Dzi brings forth mental tranquility, and ensures safety in traffic. Kwan Yin is also often times referred to as the green Tara. Many around the world make offerings to Kwan yin regularly. She is believed to hear the cries of humans and attempts to assists with reliving the pain human experience. There is often another figure on the other side of the Kwan Yin. These second figures can be a wide variety of symbols. Once would need to read for the other symbol as well as for Kwan Yin.

Kubera Dzi Bead – 3 eyed: This 3 eyed represents the Tibetan Wealth Deity Kubera bestowing of wealth, jagged triangular motif symbolizing protection and a stripe at each end, indicating a stable career with smooth promotion… A beautiful chalcedony stone bead for a smooth career, protection, and lots of wealth luck. The 3 Eyed Dzi bead is said to be the manifestation of the expression of the Hindu wealth god, the Kubera. He originates from the Himalayas, but is worshiped by other Buddhists as well from around the world. Two eyes representing his eyes, and lines bridging down his nose and surrounding his mouth. Having performed austerities for a thousand years, in regard for which Brahma asked him to safeguard and distribute evenly the treasures of the earth by karmic rewards. Among the Dzi bead culture, the 3 eyed Dzi bead is regarded as the unofficial “wealth” bead. It is believed to still possess the power to make conditions favorable, for which you could make the most of to enjoy general fortune, not only in terms of wealth, but in general prosperity and well-being.

Lightning Dzi Bead: It is believed that lightning destroys ignorance. Ignorance is seen as the path of pain and suffering. The destruction of ignorance allows room for knowledge to be obtained. This Dzi bead will assist the owner in destroying duality and those sides of ones self that create limitation, lack of change, disease, depression and all forms of sadness. The lightning can destroy the cloud and fog many minds contain. Lightning is the tool of Kali, one of the aspects of Shiva. Kali’s entire purpose for being is to destroy ignorance in all of its forms.

Longevity Bottle Dzi Bead: The longevity bottle looks like a nectar bottle with a heart inside of the bottle. The longevity bottle will appear as a heart within a heart topped by a cross. This Dzi bead assists the owner by preventing disease. The longevity bottle Dzi bead can help the owner to increase their income. It is believed that this Dzi bead has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The longevity bottle bead is said to attract luck for its owner. The longevity bottle bead helps the owner to make money and become healthier. The longevity bottle Dzi bead is always a target for Dzi bead collectors making good beads harder to find.

Lotiform Dzi Bead: (Lotiform/Dharma looks like a string of half circles) The Lotiform Dzi bead is known as a magic instrument that can ward away ghosts and dissolve misadventure. A fabulous protective charm to keep one healthy and safe from any evil spiritual mishaps and harm.

Lotiform Magic Cap Dzi Bead: Is actually an elaborate name for the dharma hat. “Lotiform” refers to a semblance of lotus petal, and “magic cap” is really an an exaggerated name which some people used to refer to a holy object. The 6 “magic caps” or otherwise simplified dharma hat motifs on this Dzi bead are symbols of holy protection. As such, this Dzi bead is a spiritual object or talisman. “Dharma” means “protection”. By practicing Buddha’s teachings we protect our self from suffering and problems. All the problems we experience during daily life originate in ignorance, and the method for eliminating ignorance is to practice Dharma. Practicing Dharma and “wearing” the Dharma hat is the method for improving the quality of our human life. The quality of life depends not upon external development or material progress, but upon the inner development of peace and happiness which Dharma bestows on us. For example, in the past many Buddhists lived in poor and underdeveloped countries, but they were able to find pure, lasting happiness by practicing what Buddha had taught.

Lotus Buds Dzi Bead: (Represented by hearts) 4 Lotus Buds and 2 Holy eyes: Promote Popularity, Improve Good Aura, Enhance Love and Attract All Auspicious Signs to the Owner. Obstacles faced by the Owner will be netted by the `s unique pattern and Popularity and Good Interpersonal Relationships will be replaced in its place. This item is widely sought for its Popularity properties. Lotus buds represent budding enlightenment. Illuminates filth and all forms of negativity so that one sees and identifies it rather than become complacent with the negative. Lotus buds hold the potential that is just waiting to blossom forth.

Lotus Dzi Bead: Wishes for a pretty appearance and pleasant character with mental tranquility. Also read Lotus flower Dzi Bead. It is believed that the double lotus Dzi bead will help to promote the purity, calmness and charisma of its owner. It will also energize the relationships of the owner with the people around him and enhances his standing with them. This Dzi bestows attractiveness, calmness and purity. It cleanses the body and mind, and enhances human relationships.

Lotus Flower Dzi Bead: The lotus flower is a water flower, which grows from some of the filthiest conditions. Conditions that would kill other lilies and flowers allow the lotus flower to bring forth beautiful blooms. The message of the lotus flower is to remind us that beauty can grow and thrive even in the filthiest of conditions. Beauty can be found any where. The lotus flower helps to generate for its owner pure mood and peaceful life. This bead is popular for its protection for you from all filth, negative forces & the evils & gives you peace. In short, Lotus Dzi purifies mental status, enlightens one’s understanding towards Buddhism, help ensures the safety and health of human body. The lotus symbolizes the flower of Buddhism. In Buddhism, the lotus can symbolize many things, including spiritual unfoldment, purity, which is the true nature of beings realized through enlightenment, and compassion, which is also known as the purified form of passion. The water lotus Dzi bead is said to purify our mental state, heighten our Buddhist nature and sustain our good health. A Lotus Dzi Bead possesses the power to purify the mind & heart in which will lead to a calm & clear mind. Recommended Dzi bead for decision makers & those in seek for higher attainment of mindfulness and it brings the good fortune and wisdom to the carrier. Also read description of Lotus Dzi bead.

Lotus Flower Dzi Bead (double): The double Lotus Dzi Bead possesses the power to purify the mind & heart which will lead to a calm & clear mind. The double lotus flower magnifies the power and strength of the lotus flower Dzi bead. This Dzi bead is recommended for decision makers and those who seek for higher attainment of mindfulness. It brings the good fortune and wisdom to the owner. Also read both Lotus Flower and Lotus Dzi Bead.

Medicine Buddha or Medicine Dzi Bead: After the conversion to Buddhism the beads are called “Medicine Buddha Dzi Bead”. Prior to the conversion to Buddhism they were simply called “Dzi Medicine Bead”. Is one of the thread beads. The medicine Buddha has only one thread of color usually white around the center of a round or oblong bead usually black or carnelian in color. On occasion the thread will appear to be more like a band of color. In this instance the band represents wealth as well as healing abilities. The banded beads are comfort beads. The thread beads are healing beads. There is believed to be twelve medicine Buddhas. Each of the medicine Buddhas have a different responsibility when working with humanity. Many of the healer Dzi beads are intended for use by healers rather than for the lay person. It is believed that healers have different needs for their personal healing due to the fact that they use their energy continually to assist with the healing of mankind. The medicine Buddhas assist the healing of the healer so that they may do more for humanity with greater clarity. It is believed that anxiety comes from knowing you have karma that you are not working off quickly enough. One function of the medicine Buddhas is to assist with guilt the greatest disease and disease creator of all. Other functions of the Medicine Buddha are to bring back the laughter and the lightness. Medicine Buddhas help to take care of some of the dreary mundane day to day requirements that healers are responsible for in their personal lives so that their thoughts may be with healing of humanity. If one seeks to use the power of the medicine Buddha Dzi bead merely to shirk their responsibilities it will backfire and cause havoc with the persons life. It will also garner severe karma. Before aligning oneself with the medicine Buddha one should search their self and know where their ego is at. They should also be sure that their heart is open and flowing freely with life and love.

Money Hook Dzi Bead: Looks like a figure S. It is believed that the lucky S hook will bring happiness, wealth and prosperity to its owner. It will enhance its owner’s ability to accumulate wealth by crystallizing money-making opportunities for him. More importantly, it also will ensure that the wealth will be retained within his control and not slip away.

Monsignor Dzi Bead: Looks like a stick figure. Bead is for strength, sense of wholeness and protection. Monsignor Dzi is believed to render mental support for hard-workers, removes obstacles and bad luck ahead in the way. Helps to keep the mind agile and healthy. Can assist with memory and cognition.

Mountain, Peak or Hill Dzi Bead: The symbol of the hills peaks or mountains are likened to great support as afforded by the mountains mammoth stability, and along with the elimination of bad luck and obstacles. Can help to create all forms of support for almost any situation. Helps to impart strength and focus for accomplishing that which needs to be done. The motif of the mountain is denoted by one hill shape over another hill. This Dzi symbolizes courage in face of all things and the commitment to surge forward gallantly. The mountain is represented usually by one larger hump outline with other symbols under it often. Peaks are generally symbolized by two or three pointed but slightly rounded lines one over the other. Hills are represented by the outline of a small or short hump. The mountain often times is pictured with two eyes. This combination represents success and strength for the home, family, and marital relationships. The hill often times represents obstacle or getting over obstacle. Peak is almost always involved with career accomplishment and support. All three represent strength, stability, support. Also represent path, life, and choices.

Multi Banded Dzi Bead: (Three bands) Multiple Fortunes, and Wish Fulfilling Talisman. Read also striped Dzi beads.

Nectar Dzi Bead: Also called Nectar bottle. The nectar bead is a heart with a cross coming out of the top of it. Prevents death due to back luck, perfects your virtues establishment, helps owner to roll in wealth and gain longevity. Assists in bringing the “good things of life”, the milk and honey to life. Nectar is the milk and honey for one’s life. Assists in attracting the sweet things to the owner’s life. All the good things, the great things one would desire for their life are brought to the owner of the nectar Dzi bead. This Dzi bead assists in opening doors, and making the path easy. Generates “feasting” on life. Assists life in becoming “better than you could ever imagine!” The bead can assist the owner in gaining charisma and presence with others.

Nectar Bottle & Longevity Motif Dzi Bead: Nectar bottle with turtle shell pattern with six cells: Symbolizes health and longevity, while each cell encloses a nectar bottle. Generates well being and increases growth in all virtues, as the nectar motif is the focus of all goodwill and induces the gathering of auspiciousness and general fortune. This Dzi bead can assist the owner in bringing the good things of life.

Striped Dzi Bead-Single: Usually one stripe or band = healing abilities. Not the same as medicine Buddhas, they are sometimes confused with or called Medicine Buddhas. The healing offered will be on all parts of the owners mind, and focus. The one stripe also requires the focus of the owners mind in order to create the healing that is to be done. In this way it teaches the owner the proper focuses for health and then wealth. Single striped Dzi symbolizes a life of comfort and the fulfillment of all wishes. It has the ability to turn adverse situations into auspicious ones. Read also “Striped Dzi Bead”.

Star Dzi Bead: May appear as a five point star or simply a filled in dot. Is the symbol of the natural law of the universe, and accumulates your good virtue. Check also under universe if the bead also contains sun and moon.

Tasso Dzi Bead: Tasso translates as Horse Tooth. Tasso is a notation that you may come across as a collector. Tasso beads are some of the oldest of the etched Dzi beads, many times coming from the time period of 500 BC to 500 AD. The Tibetans called these particular beads Tasso teeth meaning Windhorse. Not all beads from this time period are Tasso beads. The Tibetans believed these markings as well as the shape of some beads to be the teeth of horses. Tibetans regard the Windhorse as a sacred symbol for overcoming obstacles. Around 500 AD some dealers began calling these markings tiger teeth, feeling that while the Windhorse was strong the tiger was stronger. The term tiger tooth stuck and now the markings are referred to as the tigers tooth or teeth. Many dealers felt like the term tiger teeth was more appropriate because the markings look like tiger stripes and they saw no resemblance to either the horse or the Windhorse. Most true collectors of Dzi beads still refer to the Dzi beads of this particular time period as Tasso Dzi beads. A good Tasso bead because of its age can be extremely hard to find. Most Dzi bead collectors may never even see one or two during their entire collecting years. These beads should be considered extremely scarce, rare and expensive if in very good condition.

Thread Dzi Bead: (3 or more threads) generally are Dzi beads of multiple fortunes. Wave beads that have two or more waves are also considered to be multiple fortunes.

Thread Dzi Bead: The thread bead has a thin line around the center of the bead. The thread is much smaller than the stripe. The thread will be an opposite color from the body of the bead. The most common of the thread beads are the medicine Buddhas. The stripe beads will often use threads of white to separate the stripes into bands. This causes a lot of confusion between the thread, stripe and banded beads. When the Dzi bead contains three or more bands separated by white threads they are considered career beads. The stripe and banded beads that are separated by threads of white against a darker background are generally believed to be an emblem for your mind’s focus and mental strength in your undertakings. This type of Dzi bead is believed to steady your ship and enhance career development. This bead will assist its owner in making strides forward in their career development, as well as gaining the fame and other mental necessities required to have a good career. The bead will assist in helping its owner with career promotion and the financial gain that goes with such promotion. Threads of white occurring one on each end are indicating a stable career with smooth promotion. This bead is probably the strongest of the career beads. Its entire focus is career and is not shared with other focuses. This bead is scarce and hard to find.

Tiger Teeth Dzi Bead: Tigers teeth on a bead will almost look like a wave pattern. The waves will be deeper and more pointed or chiseled than the wave pattern Dzi beads are. The tiger’s teeth can be combined with other patterns to intensify the designs. Tiger’s teeth Dzi beads can also come shaped like a tooth. The chalcedony has been carved and shaped like a tooth rather than the normal Dzi bead shape. Cultures a firm and persistent will, removes frustrations along the way, and guarantees for you a healthy life too. This Dzi bead can assist with follow through and “will-power.” Can help owner to “stick-to-it” till it’s finished. Assists in focusing on what’s important thus allowing for more free time for true relaxation, free of guilt and stress. Tiger teeth Dzi can assist the owner with concentration, determination, and completion. The tiger teeth Dzi bead is also revered as a spiritual object, capable of keeping away evil things and bodily protection. It is suitable for an individual who faces more obstacles and wants to draw strength in overcoming them. Symbol of Wealth, Brings a Constant Stream of Wealth & Good Fortune, Gives one Extra Energy & Confidence to Overcome All Obstacles, Pacify Demons, and Symbolizes Will Power & Bestows Good Health. It is believed that the tiger tooth bead is able to instill in its owner a sense of determination to achieve the goals that he has set for himself as well as the ability to overcome any obstacles that may impede his path. It will energize the wearer and attracts good luck and health. Tiger teeth represent toughness and strength, removes obstacles and achieves success. Prevents calamities, averting misfortune, prospering business, multiplying wealth and improving health.

Tiger Tooth Double Layers Dzi Bead: Multi-Band Designs with Two Layers of Tiger’s Tooth inscriptions, designed in a unique pattern. Doubles or magnifies the intensity of the Tiger Teeth Dzi bead. This Dzi help to Promote Spiritual Strength, Cleansing of Evil and Obstacles and Attraction of All Auspicious Signs for the Owner. This item is widely sought for its Spiritual properties. This item is believed to possess Six times the Spiritual Strength of the normal Tiger’s Tooth, due to the Multi-Band Designs. Also read Tiger Teeth Dzi bead.

Tonic Dzi Bead: A tonic bead can be any bead that has been used to make part of a potion, medicine or tonic. Some beads are so fantastic at doing what they do that other wants some of the power or energy of that bead. When a bead gains a reputation as working very well for its owner the bead will have a particular ceremony performed on it. In this ceremony usually a priest or doctor type will chip a tiny piece from the bead at the thread hole. This chip generally does not take away from the appearance of the bead. Often times tonic beads will cost many times more than a non-tonic bead of the same type. The tonic bead has been proven to work for its owner/owners. Make sure however that some one does not try to sell you a broken bead with a large portion of the bead broken off as a tonic bead. A broken bead is considered to be used up. Check broken Dzi beads to see if they are broken into the symbols. When the symbol is broken it is considered to be used up. If a piece of the bead is missing, but the symbols, eyes, lines, etc. are still in tact, the bead is still working.

Turtle Back Longevity Dzi Bead: Ensures longevity in good health. The turtle-back motif Dzi is for cultivating good health, leading to longevity and strengthening determination in work accomplishment. It renders protection from sickness caused by spirits & gives bodily protection. It is believed that the turtle back Dzi bead is able to protect the wearer from sickness and diseases. Furthermore, the bead is believed to be able to promote good health and speedy recovery from sickness.

The year of your birth can help you choose which Dzi stone will be good for you to wear. The Chinese Lunar Calendar names each of the twelve years after an animal. Legend has it that the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before he departed from earth. Only twelve came to bid him farewell and as a reward he named a year after each one in the order they arrived. The Chinese believe the animal ruling the year in which a person is born has a profound influence on personality, saying: “This is the animal that hides in your heart.”

Year of the –

Rat – 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996

The number of Dzi eyes for you is – 8, 18,or 21

Ox – 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997

The number of Dzi eyes for you is – 8, 18, or 21

Tiger – 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1994

The number of Dzi eyes for you is – 8, 18, or 21

Rabbit – 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999

The number of Dzi eyes for you is – 3, 4, 9, 13, or 18

Dragon – 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000

The number of Dzi eyes for you is – 3, 4, 9, 13, or 18

Snake – 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001

The number of Dzi eyes for you is – 3, 4, 9, 13, or 18

Horse – 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002

The number of Dzi eyes for is -1, 5, 6, 7, 11, or 18

Goat – 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003

The number of Dzi eyes is – 1, 5, 6, 7, 11, or 18

Monkey- 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004

The number of Dzi eyes is – 1, 5, 6, 7, 11, or 18

Rooster – 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005

The number of Dzi eyes is – 2, 10, 12, 15, or 18

Dog – 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006

The number of Dzi eyes is – 2, 10, 12, 15, or 18

Boar – 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007

The number of Dzi eyes is – 2, 10, 12, 15, or 18

Dzi stones made their first appearance between 2000 and 1000 BC, in ancient India: a few hundred thousand were supposedly brought back by Tibetan soldiers from Persia during a raid. The malicious effect of the “evil eye” was taken very seriously by these people. Dzi were considered to counteract the evil eye. The artisans who made the dzi created amulets with “eyes” on them as a “fight fire with fire” form of protection. Artisans used agate as the base stone, and then embellished the beads lines and shapes using ancient methods that remain mysterious. Treatments may have included darkening with plant sugars and heat, bleaching and white line etching with natron, and protecting certain areas with grease, clay, wax or a similar substance. A hole was drilled before the bead was decorated as drilling caused most breakage during the production process, and holes were also useful for stringing and dipping numerous beads as a step in coloration. The earliest holes were conical and done with solid drill bits drilling from both ends and, hopefully, meeting near the center of the bead. Very small drill tips of chipped flint were used without abrasives and numerous other materials, regardless of hardness, when used with abrasives. Neolithic era beads were also drilled with hollow, tubular abrasion driven bits of reed and, later, during the Chalcolithic, copper. These drilled a hole with a core of agate inside the tubular drill. Tubular bit holes were parallel walled rather than conical, but also done from both ends. Both methods required arduous work done with a bow drill, with time and effort being determined by hardness of abrasive, from ground sand (quartz) to corundum.

Although the geographic origin of dzi beads is uncertain, it is accepted that they are now called “Tibetan beads,” just like “Tibetan coral,” which also came to Tibet from elsewhere. Tibetans cherish these beads and consider them hereditary gems. In this way they have survived thousands of years, being worn by hundreds of individual people. Dzi are found primarily in Tibet, but also in neighboring Bhutan, Nepal, Ladakh and Sikkim. Although Dzi type agate beads were made in the Indus Valley during the Harappan period and at various locations rich in agate deposits in India, such as in Khambhat, since their Neolithic periods, the earliest archaeologically controlled find of an agate bead with Dzi style decoration of straight and curved lines and circular eye found has been from a Saka culture excavation (Uigarak) in Kazakhstan, dated 7th – 5th C. BCE. These were said to be imports from India, reflecting long distance trade with the more nomadic Saka or Scythian tribes.

Sometimes shepherds and farmers find dzi beads in the soil or in the grasslands. Because of this, some Tibetans traditionally believe or believed that dzi are naturally formed, not man-made

Since knowledge of the bead is derived from several differing oral traditions, the beads have provoked controversy regarding their source, their method of manufacture and even their precise definition. In Tibetan culture these beads are believed to attract local protectors, dharmapalas or deities or maybe beneficial ghosts, ancestors or even bodhisattvas. Because of this, dzi beads are always treated with respect.

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