There was a time when overflowing love made me write the following words. Looking back, I think the following insights about our place on earth, our little lives through past, present and perhaps a future and our actions were acquired through reflection, therapy and a willing heart. Much of them relate to feelings of guilt, anxiety and that of powerlessness in the vast unknown. Given the nature of the subject, I could only express or grasp the visions through metaphors.
1) Life and our mistakes–
You might be the driver of this car, but you neither decided it’s model nor did you decide the rules of the road , nor did you have control over other people’s driving sense nor which hitchhikers you wrongly trusted in your attempt to help them and got led astray or got robbed instead. Hence
accidents happened , you hurt yourself and may be some other passer-bys in the process but why keep blaming yourself then when you weren’t driving in a universe of your own making ?
2) Jealous Fates- Digressing with the universe bit, universe/fate/god is too vast and mighty a thing to get cheap thrills by picking on us , or by being our antagonists, be it in the form of some planetary system or some distant star that governs the movements of our planet. We are nothing next to it, specks of
insignificance , a breath to be gone any moment , and yet , yet it is a part of us and we, a part of it.
It would be turning itself into one gigantic joke had it really been like the Greek vision bent on
competing with mere mortals such as us. Therefore it doesn’t really need a special extra terrestrial system to govern our fates.
3) Hence, our actions – We are tied by our own and others actions and inactions before us
and probably even after us— by the web of actions and results created therein.
4) Ourselves- Like a speck of phosphorescent spray at the crest of a wave is a part of an ocean , so are we, and just like the nature of the ocean influences the speck , so does the foamy shiny spray define the ocean as well, like a speck of dirt that becomes a pearl —- and that describes the ocean just as well even if each of these bits are quite, quite different from the endless blue of the ocean itself.– it may well be , quite possibly that what this insignificant *you* think and desire and tend towards or feel also defines and influences the universe. So never ever let anyone convince you that something pertaining to your internal life is preordained to the extent of being invincible despite yourself and your efforts. The universe is not a friend, nor is it a tyrant. It owes
us nothing , and *vice versa*. It can be meaningless or one may suddenly find meaning in it through one’s own creativity in his own mind in interaction with another, or with the universe , as that too exists within the universe itself. That too might actually affect the universe enough or its consciousness for it to respond with a synchronocity manifesting in your life.
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