April 21, 2021

Black Girls are Opulent: Ma’Khia Bryant was Worthy of Living.

I keep looking at Ma’Khia Bryant’s TikToks this morning and thinking about how Black girls deserve so much more.

Black girls are worthy of protection and safety.

Black girls are worthy of being able to make more TikTok videos of laying down their baby hairs because they are only 16 years old.

Black girls are worthy of being able to reach adulthood, so they can figure out their lives, live on their own terms, and heal from all of the lies adults tell us about ourselves in childhood.

Black girls are worthy of having black girl names, doing black girl things.

Black girls are worthy of a luxurious life.

Black girls are worthy of it all.

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Iresha Picot  |  Contribution: 1,270

author: Iresha Picot

Image: Imani Harris

Editor: Juliana Otis