May 19, 2021

When Overconfidence Knocks Us Down.

“It is foolish to be too confident. Those who ask for advice are wise and will escape disaster.” ~ Proverbs 28:26

Have you ever been so confident in something that your overconfidence took over the situation?

I remember the day so vividly. 

I was about five, and my dad was working on our car in our driveway on an early Saturday morning. It was maybe around 7:00 or 7:30. The weather was nice and warm but not too hot, seeing that it was early summer. The sun was just beginning to peek out from the trees behind our house.

While Dad was working, the engine was running. It made me so nervous, but he assured me that he knew what he was doing.

Oh, I so wanted to help!

Eventually, his work was complete, and for some unknown reason, I insisted on closing the car door by myself.

Remember. I’m five.

But before my dad could say no…slam!

Don’t worry; I still have all 10 fingers, but my nail had been terribly bruised for the rest of the summer!

I was determined to help. I so badly wanted my father to be proud of me that I couldn’t hear his warning: “Be careful!”

Sometimes, we can’t do it all by ourselves, can we? We need to reach out for help.

Going it Alone

So often, we think we’re floating out on a tiny boat all by ourselves. We feel like we are in the middle of the ocean without an engine, or maybe even without an oar.

Pride gets in our way.

“I don’t need help. I got this.”

Our plea for a chance might be a quiet cry for approval. But when does our determination to do it on our own become harmful?

We certainly don’t need anyone’s approval, but sometimes, we need to ask for help.

Don’t get me wrong. We should strive to work hard and become the best version of ourselves every day. We should step out of our comfort zone as we work toward our dreams and goals. We should seek to grow and develop our positive mindset on a daily basis.

However, we shouldn’t let that ambition allow us to become too cocky; I promise that will get us nowhere.

Where’s the balance in it all?

When we feel overwhelmed and just can’t do it on our own, we should know that we don’t have to. Independence is great, but sometimes, we need to push our pride aside, reach our hand out, and say, “I need help, please!”

Here are four tips to ask for help (and get it) from Psychology Today:

>> Be concise and specific.

>> Don’t apologize.

>> Make it personal, not transactional.

>> Follow up with your results.

And I’d like to add one more to that list: reflect on and show gratitude.

This last tip will close the emotional loop. The person who helps us will feel appreciated, and our gratitude will provide us with inner peace.

Don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Let me know how I can help you on your journey.

“Humble people ask for help.” ~ Joyce Meyer


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Heidi Fitzsimmons  |  Contribution: 955

author: Heidi Fitzsimmons

Image: REX WAY/Unsplash

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar