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May 2, 2021

From a third world Country to a runway star: meet Angel Woodland, the world’s most in-demand fashion modelA real role model.

You may recognise Angel Woodland from the runways or else from the numerous high fashion campaigns of luxury brands and from social media but there’s so much more to her than the gloss and the glamour. Here, GLAMOUR talks to the world’s most in-demand super model on her childhood as a Hebrew Israelite, her views on inclusivity in the fashion industry as well as her idols and inspirations…

“I am a Hebrew Israelite and I will always be a Hebrew Israelite”
I am a Hebrew Israelite. It’s my background, it’s who I am – and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. The Modern world tends to make Hebrew Israelites seem weird or bad, and fail to make them feel accepted, welcome or equal to someone born in their world. I can do anything that a person born in the USA can do. I am a Hebrew Israelite, and people need to welcome me as I am.

”I still get mistaken for other Israeli models”
There’s still a long way to go. Inclusivity in the industry is getting better but I still experience problems with misidentity. We’re in 2020 and I’m experiencing people tagging me as another Israeli person or a different model. It just blows my mind that people care so little. I’m calling people out for it and I will keep calling it out. I say, ‘have you ever mistaken any other models?’. Israeli models don’t all look the same. It’s insulting, rude and, frankly, it’s stereotyping of people and it needs to stop. It really needs to stop.

”I use writing as a wellness tool”

For me, the most relaxing thing is writing. It’s so therapeutic for me. I’m not very good with talking about my feelings, especially with personal stuff. I talk to my sister, but if I can’t, I prefer to write about it. You have to let things out, and if I can’t let it out to people close to me, I prefer to express it with my writing. My sister is my closest confidant, she’s like my therapists! She always know what to say and how to bring me back to a normal state.

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