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May 6, 2021

yoga asnas

Photo by Marta Wave on Pexels.

1 Cat pose
Cat pose is a really easy pose. That mean if you are beginner then you should try these poses.
Beside these cat pose will be going to improve the posture and balance of our body. And it is also considered to be good for the people who are suffering form the back pain.
And if you want abs then you can perform the Cat crunches pose. And these poses will be going to improve the concertation of your body.
Beside these cat pose will be going to get relief from the stress from your body
Step to perform these asana
First you have to put your hand and feet on the ground and come into the position of the table pose.
After that you will be have to lift your head and also relax your shoulder in such a way that your shoulder remains way from your ears.
And then take a dep breathe and then round your spine outward, push in your tailbone and then move your pubic bone forward.
And then come back to the original position and repeat the process.
2 Child pose
Child pose will be going to stretch your lower body. And it will be also be considered to be a good exercise for your lower body.
By performing the child pose your lower bone will be going to strong. And also help to get relief from the back pain.
In addition to these the child pose will be going to stretch you lower body. And it is one of the best exercises for your lower body.
Step to perform these asana
First step is to sit down on the floor in such a way that your knees touch the ground.
Next you have to put your head on the ground by lowering your head.
After that hold the position for 20 to 30 second. If you are doing these asanas for longer time. You can hold the position for longer time.
3 Upward facing dog pose
Upward facing dog pose is a great pose that will be going to make your core muscle strong. And these poses will be also going to improve the posture of your body.
Beside these Upward Facing dog pose will be also going to remove the fat from your body.
In addition to these Upward facing dog pose will be going to get relief from the depression.
Step to perform these asana
First step is to lying down on the ground such that your face facing the ground.
After that you have to push your hand on the floor make sure that your edge of the hand remains inner to the body.
Next you have to lift your torso along with hips and thigh and hold the position as much as you can.
4 Mountain pose
Mountain pose is considered to be a beginner exercise. Because it is very simple and easy to perform.
Mountain pose is considered to be a great exercise. Which is going to stretch your body. Because of that it will going to contribute to your growth hormone.
By performing the mountain pose your body will be become flexible. As it will be going to improve the posture of your body.
And if you are performing the mountain pose then it will be going to make your leg, ankle and knee muscle strong. And will also going to make your body alignment proper.
Step to perform these asana
First you have to stand straight. And also make sure that your shoulder remains wide apart from each other
After that you have to press the toes together in such a way that that your heel and leg are straighten
After that you have to start lifting along with the arches of your feet.
After that move your top thigh up and back. And repeat the process.
5 Cobra pose
As you already know by the name of these pose that you have to come into the position of the snake to perform these poses. And while performing these pose your whole body will become active.
Cobra pose can be easily performed by the beginner. And these poses will be going to reduce the fat from your body while targeting the abdominal area of your body.
While performing the cobra pose your upper body will be going to target the most. And these poses will be also help to get relief from the back pain.
Beside these cobra pose will be going to improve the tone of your body. and also make your body flexible.
Also, cobra pose will be gong to keep your mood good. And also improve the flow of blood in our body.
Step to perform these asana
First Step is to lie down on the floor make sure that your face is facing on the ground
Next Step you have to put your hand on floor with a shoulder distance and then stretch back your legs and make sure that your top of the feet touches the floor
In the Next step you have to Keep your upper body lifted and also breathe air and also check that your pubis and toes remain in a straight line and stick to the floor.
After that hold the position for 25 to 30 second by holding the air. If you are doing these exercises for longer time then you should also hold more than 30 second.
After that you have to bring your body to normal position.

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