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May 13, 2021

Yoga a Way of Life

Growing up I thought of Yoga as something mainly for women. As I became more sophisticated, I realized that men could benefit from the practice as well. Learning asanas increased flexibility and the poses did make me feel one with myself and one with the source. I didn’t know how the asanas made me feel that way but intuitively I felt they did.

I have always been drawn to study religions. At first I was looking for an alternative to Christianity. I realized after much study and contemplation that I yearned for teachings that resonated with me.  Hinduism and Buddhism resonated with me. Their view of God as an impersonal  entity, pure energy rang true. The Gnostic Gospels revealed that Jesus also viewed God as infinite energy as opposed to a Super Human. I realized that Eastern and Western religions were in agreement regarding many of their principles.

My quest became a way to unite Eastern and Western cultures based upon their common  goals. this quest travelled full circle when I read Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras. These sutras did not downplay the physical practice of performing asanas, yet over 90% of the sutras concentrate upon the mind and the overriding goal of  Yoga – the union of the self with the Supreme Self. The root word for Yoga in Sanskrit is yuj which means unite. Thus my view of Yoga is that it is a system designed to  unite one’s self with the infinite spirit.

There are many paths to form that union – mental, physical and spiritual.  I want to combine all theses paths so that my primary purpose in life is to unite with the true spirit within us all. As T.S.Eliot wrote, “And the end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time.” We will know then that our home is the Universal Spirit that has always been within us and without. It is above and below. It is all

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