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May 14, 2021

The Importance of Staying Informed in International Affairs

Before the age of the internet, global news was pretty much confined to local sources. People would wait until the evening news came on television or await the arrival of the daily newspaper to find out what was happening around them in the world. Much like travel, information technology has advanced to the point of allowing people to cross borders. News can be searched and found in a literal instant, regardless of the topic or region, and it can be dismissed just as easily with the click of a button.

At a time when the world has shared the worst global crisis in ages, keeping abreast of world affairs becomes more relevant than ever. As we gain easier access from one end of the planet to the other, the world starts to feel smaller and more intimate. Pictures and videos appear in our daily news feeds, giving constant updates from around the globe about things never before seen in our day-to-day life. If we choose, there are also countless ways to reach out and actively help people who live thousands of miles away without even leaving our homes. It’s no surprise, then, that those activities occurring far away now seem more personal to us.

Aside from the humanitarian aspect, there are other reasons to keep informed about the world around us. The ability to engage in civil discourse will be a strong indicator of how universal problems will be handled in the future. We no longer have the freedom of ennui or apathy just because we hear about something happening far away. The future will bring to light important issues, making it harder to keep oneself in the dark. Staying informed about international affairs means understanding that we are all connected. Rather than the old school “us” and “them” mentality, it’s become evident that we are all humans co-existing in one place. The impact on society from an economic, cultural, educational, and political nature cannot be understated.

Much like travel, gaining insight into how the rest of the world is experiencing the ins and outs of daily life is eye-opening. One of the reasons many people gleefully feed their wanderlust is to experience other cultures. As Americans, it can be very easy to get stuck in a certain mindset provided by news sources we are familiar with. Staying up to date on global issues while exploring multiple sources and viewpoints is a great way to get a complete picture and deeper understanding.

It can no longer be disputed that an event that occurs in another country has the potential to affect your hometown. The more you are aware of what is happening around you, the better prepared you will be for the eventualities that might occur. In addition, the old adage knowledge is power exists for a reason. Regardless of the topic, there is a sense of empowerment that comes from being a learned individual, and engaging with others about world affairs opens your mind to fresh perspectives and alternative viewpoints that you might have considered.

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