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June 4, 2021

I am a love addict

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.

When I met you, I was desperate, desperate for love, attention, desperate to feel something other than misplaced – misfortune or misunderstood. Although a part of me hates you for everything you have put me through. For lying right to my face, as if I would not find out the truth and am clueless. I cant. You taught me so much, you taught me the importance of loving myself, having boundaries, and enforcing them. You taught me how to be grateful for what I do have, and to constantly take accountability for myself and my actions. That I have so much light and worth inside of me, that I don’t need someone like you in my life. Realizing my power has been a long journey. I am no longer desperate for love. I now know that I am a good person, I have been through a lot, and I have a lot to offer. I hope you treat yourself more kindly, be aware of any insecurity that may be lurking deep within your soul. You have to forgive every mistake you ever made, every bad thing you feel you ever did. You have to look yourself in the mirror and say – I am enough. Every day. If you don’t someone can come into your world or into your head and rock it like a hurricane. Just like you did to me. I’m not sure why, but I feel like I should thank you. For showing me that not everyone has the same heart as me, that not everyones words will match their actions, that people aren’t always who they seem. That falling in love with the idea that someone will love you is not enough. N How they treat you is everything.

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