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June 11, 2021

5 Lesser-Known Benefits of Increasing Water Intake

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.

Drinking water is literally vital to your survival, in fact the body is made up of about 65% water. If you don’t stay hydrated, it can lead to several different problems and issues with digestion, overheating, kidney stones, dehydration, and even death in severe cases.

Despite how important it is to stay hydrated, many people still do not get enough water during the day. In fact, one study found that up to 75% of U.S. adults may be functioning in a chronic state of dehydration.

1. Improve Joint and Spinal Cord Health 

One thing that most people are unaware of when it comes to staying hydrated is the effect it has on your joints and tissues. It will not only help protect your spinal cord but even improve joint health by acting as a lubricant and cushion for the joints.

2. Improve Cognitive Performance 

Not surprisingly, what you put into your body influences your mind and cognition – this  includes what you drink. It is important to ensure that you are getting enough water throughout  the day or it can lead to lulls in your ability to process information and can even lead to issues  with memory recall.

3. Save Money  

One of the most overlooked aspects of drinking more water is the money that you’ll save by not drinking other substances. Soda, juices, and even alcohol is not only more expensive but can  lead to dangerous health effects including obesity, poor cardiovascular health, and even alcohol  addiction. Activities like going out to a restaurant and binge drinking are common reasons that  people will drink other beverages other than water, leaving them not only more dehydrated, but with less money in their pockets as well.

4. Improve Skin Health 

Many sources may say that water can act as a natural detoxifier and improve acne, and while this may be helpful for some, it is not always the case. That said, there is evidence that water can help with skin plumpness, resiliency, and elasticity. It should be noted that water won’t necessarily help with signs of aging and wrinkling as these are almost entirely determined by genetics as well as sun and environmental damage.

5. Reduce Headaches 

If you are someone that finds yourself with serious headaches throughout the day or when you are trying to fall asleep, water may be just what you need. Water deprivation and dehydration are two problems that are known to cause headache issues. While there is more research that needs to be done to prove that increasing water intake can prevent headaches, it has been shown to relieve dehydration-related headaches.

How Much Water Should You Be Drinking? 

There is no specific recommendation for water that you should be drinking, and many individuals will meet the water requirements just by drinking when they are thirsty. If you are unsure about your dehydration levels, the best way you can evaluate your situation is to look at your urine. If your urine is clear, it means that you are well-hydrated, however if it is dark, it likely means that you are or are on the verge of being dehydrated.

All this said, if there is a goal that you are trying to set for yourself, you can follow the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommendation for your daily water intake which is 15.5 cups for men and 11.5 cups for women.

If you are trying to find ways to help improve your water intake and remind yourself to continue to drink water throughout the day, you can follow a few of these tips:

  • Carry a refillable water bottle
  • Use lemon or lime to add flavor
  • Freeze some water bottles to keep cold water with you all the time

When it comes to your overall health, water intake is important. You need to doing everything you can to ensure that you are staying hydrated and healthy.

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