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July 2, 2021

Best Cooperative Games For Game Night

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

Best Cooperative Games For Game NightThe vast majority of board games focus on pitting everyone against each other. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with friendly competition, it is also nice to avoid competing at times. Cooperative games require everyone to work together to accomplish tasks to win the game. These games provide a much more satisfying victory than when you are forced to crush your friends or family. These are the four best cooperative games that will take your game night to the next level.


Mysterium asks the players to work together to solve a murder in a haunted mansion. One person plays as the ghost while the others are physic investigations. Everyone must piece together clues in order to figure all of the details of the murder. Mysterium can be compared to a cooperative version of Clue with a lot of fun twists. Since the details are completely random, you can play Mysterium over and over.

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Game

This is another murder mystery game that is fun to play with a large group of adults. Everyone works together to solve mysteries in Victorian England like Sherlock Holmes. This board game comes with 10 different cases that all require a different set of skills to solve. It will generally take about 90 to 120 minutes to solve each mystery. The cases get harder as you go with some of them intertwining with earlier cases.

Codenames: Duet

Codenames: Duet is the perfect cooperative game for two people. The game involves giving your partner one-word clues to get them to guess certain code words. Saying the wrong words will result in an immediate loss. This fast-paced game is very easy to pick up, and it can be finished in roughly 15 minutes. You will not want to stop after one round though. This makes it the perfect date night game.

Castle Panic

Castle Panic is the perfect game for those looking to play with the whole family. Everyone works together to defend the castle against various creatures. Teamwork and strategy to decide the best times to attack and defend will go a long way to determining your success. The kids will absolutely love the premise, and they will have no problem following the rules of Castle Panic.

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