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August 23, 2021

Promoting Better Patient Care in Your Healthcare Organization

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.

As a healthcare leader, you will not only have to ensure the health and satisfaction of your staff, but you’re ultimately influencing the lives of your establishment’s patients, even if you never meet them face to face. Improving the patient experience doesn’t always have to look like implementing the latest and greatest technologies, but it does take some intentionality. Discover a few of these ideas below.

Allow For Better Access to Care

Healthcare is a necessary aspect of many individuals’ lives. As healthy as a person tries to be, there may still come a time in their lives when they have to access healthcare. But many people are held back from receiving this care due to their finances, access to the internet and more. Your job as a healthcare leader is to have your organization provide as much access to care as possible. This can look like offering financial aid, making it easy to schedule appointments and setting individuals up with a specialist if they need one. These measures will help your patients feel more valued as they will see your commitment to helping them get the care they deserve.

Encourage Your Staff to Listen to Patients’ Needs

When it comes to healthcare, people have many different opinions of how they’d like to treat their conditions. Some patients may be fine taking medications, while others want to take a more natural approach to their healing. Ultimately, your patient wants to feel as if their concerns are being treated in a legitimate manner. For instance, a patient could be experiencing an unusual health problem and may not have their concerns truly heard when they go to the doctor. It is important that you train your staff to listen to how a patient may want to approach their healthcare and find the best compromise.

Provide Mental Health Resources

Mental health is just as important to healthcare as any other type of health concern. In fact, health issues can often arise as a result of intense anxiety or may worsen one’s mental health if he or she has continual worries over their wellbeing. In order to provide better patient care, you should consider offering free mental health resources through your organization. Mental health is still a taboo subject for many, but it can have immense impacts on one’s overall health. Providing mental health resources, like a therapist or targeted website links, can help your patients deal with the emotional burdens that can arise from health issues. Seeing your commitment to their mental health will also help these patients develop a better sense of trust in your healthcare organization.

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