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September 3, 2021

Orange butterfly: Spiritual Significance

Photo by KEVIN ROGERS on Pexels.

Japanese consider butterflies as the representation of feminine beauty and transit joy. While depicting a soul leaving the body, Romans showed it in the shape of a butterfly in their gorgeous paintings. Mexicans painted butterflies representing the souls of the dead warriors on their canvases.

For the ancient Zuni tribe, colorful butterflies are the symbols of beauty and life. For Chinese, longevity is depicted with the butterfly, and at the wedding, a jade butterfly is gifted to the bride by her groom as a symbol of eternal love. Almost all cultures have a significant attachment with the butterfly symbolism. When it comes to spirituality, an orange butterfly has a special place, and in this blog, we are going to take a look at what an orange butterfly signifies spiritually.

Spirituality and color orange
Being a mixture of red and yellow, orange combines the symbolism and energy of both colors. Orange represents happiness, success, action, creativity, intensity, and inspiration. Orange evokes joy, sexuality, summer, and relaxation. Even though orange originates from red, it does not have the aggression of red.

In Greek mythology, gods like Dionysus and Bacchus wore orange robes. In Greek culture, orange is the color for ecstasy and fertility. In recent years, orange might have got a different connotation, for example, reflective vests on traffic controllers, or on traffic cones, alerting the drivers. But the orange butterfly has a deeper meaning in spirituality. Let’s take a look at it.

Spirituality and the orange butterfly:
The orange color signifies the sun, a life-giver starts on earth, and orange exudes passion.

-First larva, cocoon, and then a butterfly – this is the life cycle of a butterfly, representing a constant change in life and significance of suffering and hardship.

-Orange butterfly is a spiritual sign, announcing the further development of awareness and consciousness.

-If someone encounters an orange butterfly, it might be the sign from the universe to control your temper; otherwise, you will lose your ability to make rational decisions in life.

-It means the universal powers are telling you that if you managed to control your anger, you would be able to trust in the goodness of human beings, resulting in a positive outlook, helping you to lead a positive and happy life.

-Many followers of Christ take the orange butterfly as an announcement of a change, signifying resurrection.

-Compared to other subspecies, an orange butterfly has a shorter life span. And hence, to some spiritual practitioners, it underlines the importance of quality of life over the duration of the same.

-Ancient Romans correlated with the butterfly, symbolizing psyche, soul, and immortality.

-Similar to the sun, spotting an orange butterfly signifies a new beginning. It makes us aware of the upcoming opportunity that might change our lives. It may be a new opportunity concerning career, friendship, romance, or family.

-Announcing the arrival of the new orange butterfly makes an individual optimistic, active, and positive.

-Butterfly takes its first flight as soon as it’s out of its cocoon. The orange butterfly represents the transformation of a girl into a woman, with grace, beauty, and full of life. The same implies a young boy, matured to be a grown man.

Orange butterfly and the Chakras
The universe connects with us through several channels, and one of them is through dreams. Seeing an orange butterfly in a dream is considered auspicious, as the orange butterfly is linked with the Sacral Chakra or the Navel Chakra. They say that when you see your soulmate, you get butterflies in your stomach. It means your Sacral Chakra, which is orange in color, is trying to communicate with your soul. Like the butterfly, Sacral Chakra has the glowing orange color, linked with inner wisdom, pleasure, gut feeling and joy.

Navel Chakra is also known as Swadhishthana Chakra or the Kaama Chakra. This orange Chakra’s imbalance causes several physical complications like anemia, hypoglycemia, back pain, pain in the joints, and overall lower energy. Blockage in this Chakra can damage sensuality and creativity.

One can feel extreme jealousy if the Sacral Chakra is not cleaned properly. Due to these reasons, it becomes vitally important to keep one’s Sacral Chakra healthy, spinning, and glowing in bright orange color.

Chanting Om during meditation helps to cleanse this Chakra. There is another powerful Beej (seed) mantra for balancing the Naval Chakra.

‘Vam Namah’

As you incorporate this powerful seed mantra chanting in your daily meditation practice, you will experience a profound change within your subconscious. This mantra has such transformative power that you will experience the Chakra awakening and a substantial influx of positive energy within you after a few days of practice. You will begin to experience an unbelievable rise of the passion and creativity within you.

Just like a sunrise, the orange color has a close association with rising consciousness. Being the color of Chaitanya (life) and Pavitrata (purity), orange butterfly sightings invite joy, faith, and balance in life. This delicate creature brings creativity, positivity, fulfillment in relationships and restores the confidence in the life of a seeker. Whenever you see this insect around your home, understand that the universe is trying to deliver a message to you. It’s urging you to take the right actions at the right time to avoid suffering and to embrace the new auspicious beginnings.

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