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September 7, 2021

Busting 5 Common Tantra Myths

Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.

Oh no, don’t go there. That man seems dangerous, he looks like a Tantric. He will kidnap you and use you for bad stuff. Such comical rumors and myths about Tantra practitioners have been floating around for centuries and fortunately, none of them are true. In this blog, we bust the 5 most common Tantra myths for you, thus helping you get a better understanding of the science.

Myth 1 – Tantra is Black Magic
Fact – Tantra is simply a technique. While in Yantra and Mantra, instruments and words are used to connect to the Divine, in Tantra, one directly connects to the Divine by using different techniques or processes. Hence the process used for any spiritual activity becomes Tantra. We can therefore safely establish that Tantra is a neutral term and doesn’t belong to black magic or white magic.

To give you an example, meditation is a form of Tantra.

Myth 2 – Tantra is all about Sex
Fact – This is one of the most common and the wildest myth about Tantra. Sexual intimacy is just a small part of Tantra and doesn’t even comprise 10% of the total of all Tantra practices. Is it an important part of Tantra? Yes. It is Tantra in itself? No. Tantra recognizes the female and male energy, and the aspect of consciousness and divine energy that resides in both of them. Tantra sex, therefore, is just one of the methods to celebrate the Shiva and Shakti in each man and woman and has got nothing to do with orgies and multiple orgasms.

Myth 3 – The One Size Fits All Myth
Fact – Some people end up thinking that Tantra is just one method and everyone and anyone who wants to be spiritually enlightened need to follow that one method. In reality, Tantra offers unique combinations of various methods, to suit an individual and their needs. It can be a combination of A and C for one person and a combination of Z and T for another person. There are infinite combinations and customizations that can be made according to individual needs and requirements. Mostly, these are made by a person’s Guru, keeping their highest good in mind.

Myth 4 – Tantrics are Alone, Secluded and Secret
Fact – Tantra is one of the fulfilling ways of life and a Tantra practitioner experiences life fully, openly and with all the joy there is. Tantra doesn’t prescribe leaving one’s family, friends, and career. It rather encourages its students to be the best version of themselves in whatever they do and attain the Truth walking that path. Tantra is not One or the Other. It Is One and the Other. Tantra recognizes two different parts as a part of the whole and respects each part as an individual as well.

Myth 5 – You Need a Partner to Practice Tantra
Fact – The association of Tantra with sex makes many people believe that they need a partner to practice Tantra. This can’t be farther from the truth. All Tantra can be practiced by oneself. The only requirement is to have a Guru because a Guru can guide you in the right direction and help you with the obstacles on the path. But in the end, one needs to walk on the path towards divinity by themselves. So you can stop the partner search now and start working on yourself to become a good student, ultimately finding a Guru who will guide you.

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