March 20, 2012

Sweet, Naked Motorbike. {Nudity} ~ Jennifer Van Tuyl

“Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel… the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.”

Susan B. Anthony (New York World interview, February 2, 1896)

Take off your clothes, add a motor, and you get…

(Photo via Femme X)

It wasn’t that long ago that a woman riding a motorbike was a rare site. But riding a motorbike is no longer for the greasy, leather-clad bloke, now there are many more bikes that are suitable for women.

It’s estimated that approximately 15% of all riders are now female and this number is increasing. Motorcycles are becoming smaller, lighter, greener and more manageable every year.

Get ready to roll and get yourself a naked bike!


Jennifer Van Tuyl  is the founder of Femme X, an non-traditional marketing agency that connects brands and consumers via guerilla, buzz, viral and street marketing. Its aim is designing extraordinary creative experiences that inspire and engage the audience.

Along with Femme X agency, Jennifer has also created Femme X Magazine, an online, lifestyle magazine for creatives to help shake the world of (wo)men. Many advertising and creative ideas and concepts just don’t land because they don’t connect with young women.

She feels it is her duty to present the world with a different and more powerful creative female image. Under her skin, Jennifer is half indian and half dutch and she is based in Amsterdam. Connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.



Editor: Andrea B.


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