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September 20, 2021

Simple Morning Yoga Poses Will Boost Your Energy in 15 – Minutes

Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.

Practicing a morning Yoga routine is not only spectacular but rejuvenating for your body too. Now, just after 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep, our mind is gushing with new energy and power. Our body has been recharged and is ready to undertake its new exciting venture. It is well-known that when you start your day with a positive vibe, your entire day goes well, surrounded by positivist. And Yoga is anyway famous for attracting optimistic emotions. Hence, you must start your day with Yoga to imbibe its long-term health benefits. It will alleviate negativity and anxiety and unclog your blocked mind that had been preoccupied with evil thoughts. Therefore, it is highly refreshing to start your data with a few Yoga moves as it provides instant energy and mindfulness that will keep you going through the day.

Benefits of Yoga practice in the morning are:

  • Morning Yoga will help you avoid distractions.
  • Mental stability throughout the day
  • A clear and stable mind
  • Boosted metabolism
  • Better sleep at night
  • Boosted levels of energy
  • Controlled blood sugar
  • Controlled blood pressure
  • Lesser chance of falling sick

Morning Yoga poses to try:

Some simple morning Yoga poses are being mentioned below that will immediately boost your energy.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations): This yoga sequence comprises 12 postures and poses in a combined form, all of which contribute to a successful Surya Namaskar. From the name, it can be understood that these asanas are carried out mainly in the morning time just when the sun is rising. The rising sun is synonymous with the arriving ray of light and hope missing from your life. Therefore, they are great for warming up your body synchronize your body and breath movements. In addition, they are responsible for working on all of the seven chakras that will help you energize your body and bring a sense of inner calm.

AdhoMukhaSavasana (Downward facing dog): This asana focuses mainly on the stretching of the back and hips. This will require you to lay flat on the ground on your belly side. Now live your upper and lower body such that only your hands and feet remain intact to the floor. Next, point your hips to the ceiling and come into the position of a downward-facing dog. This will help provide relief to the sore muscles of your back and hips.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose): This is a great pose to generate heat and warmth in your body. It focuses on your core and legs and challenges your mind to balance the body, great for a morning start. This will require you to attain a posture as if you are sitting on a chair. You have to come in a position of sitting midway in the air with your arms joined together above your head. This will make your mind more active as it creates a sense of balance during the posture.

Anjaneyasana(LowLunge ):

This posture focuses mainly on your torso, legs, arms, and hips. This will require you to stretch one leg backward while your other leg remains folded, with your knees facing outwards. Try to lean down and balance with your hands joined together above your head. You will feel your tight muscles around your legs and torso smoothening and loosening.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): This is one of the basic Yoga poses that help in activating stability and balance. It focuses mainly on the legs and core and allows you to loosen up your chest muscles so that your heart feels light and open. This posture requires you to stretch your feet wide apart. Next, stretch your hands in opposite directions such that a straight line is obtained. Now without breaking this straight line, bring any one of your arms to touch the ground of your respective feet. Your other arm points upwards and your chest to the front-facing away from the ground.

Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3): This pose activates your legs, core, and solar chakra, responsible for confidence, willpower, and determination. This posture requires you to stand straight first. Then slowly stretch your leg backward such that your upper body moves forward. Your other leg remains intact with the floor, and your stretched leg and best upper body form a straight line when you stretch your hands and join them in front of your head. The idea is to keep your hands, head, and your outstretched leg in the opposite direction to align in a straight line.

Along with that, there is a list of simple yoga poses that can be performed in the morning is mentioned below. The procedure of how to do it and which muscles and the body part it targets have been mentioned too so that you know which part of your body is getting involved in the process. Science research supports how Yoga has been effectively trying to boost the energy levels of Yoga enthusiasts and Yogis. However, to have the long-term health benefits of Yoga, try practicing Yoga regularly because consistency is the key.

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