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October 1, 2021

Powerful Yoga Mudras and How to use them?

Photo by Monstera on Pexels.

Do you know that even the slightest hand gesture could do wonders for your mind and physical health? It sounds incredible, isn’t it?Popularly, it is also known as ‘Yoga Mudras’ These Yoga Hand Mudras work on the five elements of nature: earth, air, water, space, and fire.Mudra also signifies Gesture and Attitude and is extremely beneficial. According to research, Mudras influenced our conscious and cognitive minds and our primal habit patterns.Every Mudra has different links and impact on your body, mind and soul.

Yoga Teacher Training retreats, asYoga Hand Mudras well as alliances in India, teach these subtle hand mudras too. There are numerous popular retreats which has specialized itself in teaching powerful yoga mudras that have an astounding healthy impact on your physical body and health. The desirable aim is to achieve fixed regulated postures that help practitioners pull them Practicing yoga mudra elves out from automatic, habitual patterns and establish refined cognitive senses. It has been providing mastered classes by experienced tutors and Yoga enthusiasts who have efficiently mastered Yoga and Mudra their art and polished their skills and are working together as a network in helping aspiring future Yoga enthusiasts in achieving their future goals.

How to perform powerful Yoga mudras?

Some of the powerful Yoga mudras and their benefits on our bodies are being mentioned below.

Chin Mudra or the Gesture of Conscience: This mudra helps an individual to unify with their almighty. It helps to sharpen your memory and increase your concentration as well as your memorizing skills. To perform this mudra, try to make a circle with your index finger and thumb while your other fingers remain unfolded. Sit in a cross-legged position with your eyes closed and place your hands on your knees such that the palms are facing upwards.

Abhaya Mudra or the Gesture of Fearlessness: One of the most common hand gestures in Buddhism, it resembles the idols of that religion as Lord Buddha can be seen doing it. This mudra reflects kindness, helpful nature, victory, and peace. This will require you to raise your hand up to your shoulder level with your palm facing outwards. The fingers must be close to each other but not folded while the other hand can rest on your lap.

Adi Mudra or the First Gesture: This was believed to be the first-ever Gesture adopted by a new-born child. Practice Yoga and mudra of this kind can help to improve the functioning of the lungs, increase oxygen flow to the brain, and relaxes the nervous system. This can be performed by making a fist with your palm while your thumb remains tucked into the coiled fingers. It is the first position that a Fetus can make inside the mother’s womb, hence getting its name from there. It can help quiet the mind and the nervous system.

Apana Mudra or the Gesture of Vital Air: According to Hindu Mythology, ‘ Apana’ means air that runs through a person’s body. This Yoga allows the inner air to flow through the body, thus removing all the diseases and ailments. In addition, it helps in improving the overall working of a reproductive system. To perform this mudra, you must bring your thumb and the tip of your middle and ring finger close to one another and hold the pose. Your palms must be facing upwards, and do it with both together.

Dhyana Mudra or the Gesture of Meditation: Whenever we think of Yoga and mudra, a Yogi sitting in a cross-legged position busy performing mediation crosses our mind. This is what this pose is about. This hand gesture is believed to alleviate stress and insomnia and even control anger issues. For his position, you will be required to sit down cross-legged such that you types of mudra is one leg places on another. After doing this, you will have to place your right palm above the left palm such that the face of the palm is always facing upwards.

A detailed information regarding a few of the many different types of mudras present in Yoga has been mentioned above. Performing these mudras have numerous health benefits ranging from reproduction to the nervous system and blood circulation. Therefore, include these mudras in your daily life cycle to achieve more profound levels of concentration and meditation.

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