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October 9, 2021

Reflections Beyond the Window

Photo by Fernanda Latronico on Pexels.

Farewell Summer

Finding ground in the sticky

heat of summer

I hear the thud, its sound familiar

As ripened mangoes in shades

of mahogany, fall one after another

Loosened from the aging branches

of a once youthful tree no longer able

to hold on

And I think …perhaps

They are free


Honeysuckles red

Adorn leaves of green

Outside the window

Where often …she dreams

No need for rainbows

Amid the sage and thyme

For hers is a world

Colored in rhyme


Sunlight flickers

Yellow and gold

In the shadows

of memory

Her forgotten soul


Adrift upon gossamer wings

She now dances with butterflies

On the Autumn breeze

Midnight Rain

Silver diamonds

Mere reflections upon the sill

Thunder resounds

Yet, the world lies still


Raindrops falling from an ashen sky

And I want to be …as the silver diamonds

One with night

Illuminating an ebony sea

Luminescent …and free

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