October 15, 2021

Why Finding the Right Coach can Literally change Our Existence.


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So yes, I get it—coaching is super controversial, and it surely has been said that “everyone is a life coach” now.

I imagine there is some truth to that, but can’t we spin that about almost everything in life? Isn’t “everyone” also a yoga instructor, or isn’t “everyone” a…wait for it…”writer?”

I mean seriously, right?

Generalizing is not a healthy way to view things. Sure, there are crooked life coaches out there promising to fix us or even help us manifest the man of our dreams, our “warrior,” or even better, find our femininity for a mere $5,000.

I gasp at those situations too.

However, the right coach can also be our biggest advocate, and dare I say, save our lives.

As a true and practicing “coach,” I have literally dedicated my life to helping people, and to be honest, for an extremely nominal fee. Fortunately, I am able to do this because I have a career job that foots the bill for my life expenses (home, kids, food, and so on). Albeit my passion, my true purpose for living, my one strongest desire outside the love I have for my children, is the love I have for the majority of my clients.

For years, I have written about my own trauma, my own healing, and my own journey many, many times. Through that deep and tumultuous healing, it became quite clear what my calling is.

Yes, coaching!

I recently learned that we all suffer for a purpose. Sometimes it can take years to figure out what that purpose is, but nine times out of 10 it’s to be “of service” to others.

We have been put on this earth to bond, break, suffer, struggle, love, enrich, enlighten, learn, empower, teach, long for, forgive, and survive.

We all have gifts; some of us are luckier than others that we have been given the gift of being broken open so we can transform into a giving soul, a mindful, and impactful leader, and someone who is of service to others.

This service comes in many forms—coaches, yoga instructors, motivational speakers, writers, and wellness providers. The list is endless.

We should be finding the right coach who is dedicated to those who struggle on a daily basis to find emotional freedom from suffering so that they can guide us, support us, and love us as if we were family.

A coach can be the biggest part of the healing journey.

Having been where you are, the right coach can sympathize as well as empathize and relate because they have walked in your shoes.

My deep and unwavering feeling is that everyone needs a coach to help guide them through life’s smallest challenges, biggest fears, and a world that seems impossible to navigate.

Once you find that coach, allow them to take you all the way to the other side where there is no turning back, and then pay it forward with all you have learned so that you can impact another and be of service.

This is why we are here!


Hearted by




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Avesha Parker  |  Contribution: 114,285

author: Avesha Parker

Image: sorrylines.art/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef