October 21, 2021

313 Words on What we’re doing Here, on this Earth, at this Time.


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I ponder this question all the time.

What am I even doing here?

I write and write,

Each day.

I think of topics

That touch my soul.

Write on and on,

Until my thoughts grow mute.

I think of this question the most.

What am I even doing here?

There are a few times

I should’ve died.

The crazy things I did in high school,

Or the birth of my first born

Should’ve taken me out.

I’m still here.

Maybe it’s something I must share

Or something I should do.

It could be to help others.

I’m not sure.

I wonder

What do I have to give?





What I have to offer,

I can give away for free.

Is it enough?

Will anyone accept?

I really don’t know.

I prefer to sit in my little cocoon.

Why burst out?

The world is scary.




I know the truth

Deep in my soul.

I’m here to write

And share my gifts.

I’m here to share





Now I’m bravely,

But slowly bursting

Out of the cocoon.

Ready to share beauty.

Beauty is gained

Through sharing the gifts

Inside that were given to me.

Outward beauty

Wrinkles with age.

I already know,

And possess the how.

It’s stepping out,

And adding my light.

My beauty is within.

Sharing my soul

Through speaking,

And writing.

Sharing my heart

Through simple gestures.




Having courage

To be a light,

In this scary world.

I’m making Earth

A better place.

If each one of us shines,

The light gets bigger,

And bigger

As it joins with others.

Finally, I see

That we’re all connected

With each other,

And all living things.

We each have

A piece of the puzzle

To put into place.

It’s our job

To share it

And connect it

With the rest of



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Kathryn Baskette  |  Contribution: 3,220

author: Kathryn Baskette

Image: theelfway.illustration/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson