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October 22, 2021

The Four Stages of Sadhana in Tantra

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.

The word Sadhana is derived from the word ‘Sadh’ which means doing something in a sustained way. The reasons for performing Sadhana and its results may vary from person to person and the different ways of performing. Sadhana is a disciplined spiritual practice and the more disciplined a person is, the faster and better results they get.

In Tantra, there are four stages of Sadhana, Brahma Sadhana, Dhyana Dharana, Incantation of Hymns, and Murti Puja, in the reverse order.

Brahma Sadhana –

If you attend Swami Ji’s live session every Sunday, then you have already experienced this stage of Sadhana. In Brahma Sadhana, which is also known as the perfect mode of meditation, a person ideates Brahmn and concentrates on their Chakras. For instance, Swami Ji helps us concentrate on our Solar Plexus in a lot of live sessions. While concentrating on the Chakra, the person also chants a Mantra, first loudly and then slowly. The Mantra can be given by one’s Guru or can be dedicated to their Ishta Deva* whom they have recognized and decided upon. After a while the chanting of the Mantra becomes so slow that the person sitting next to you also can’t hear the Mantra and finally, you begin chanting the Mantra in your mind when even your lips stop moving. This is the best way of Mantra Chanting, called Jaapa, where you listen and recite the Mantra in your mind. During this, the Sadhak is also inhaling deep breaths, holding them for about 30 seconds, and then exhaling. After a while, the chanting stops and the Sadhak visualizes their Ishta Deva* have a conversation with them about his or her goals, and then visualizes the fulfillment of the goal. Finally, they thank their Ishta Deva*, their Guru, their parents, and the Universe for everything. This entire process is called Brahma Sadhana.

Dhyana Dharana –

One of the stages in Sadhana, Dhyana Dharana is when a Sadhak concentrates on one thing and one thing only and meditates upon it. Exploring it, feeling it, understanding it, and experiencing it. For instance, the Sadhak can light a candle and look at it, concentrating on it and observing it. Slowly, they can notice the blue light at the beginning of the candle. They would keep getting thoughts during the process and they need to observe their thoughts as a witness and let them pass, all the while concentrating on the flame. They soon start understanding the nature of the flame and start experiencing its warmth due to the heightened concentration and senses. It takes time to reach this phase but the Sadhak eventually does reach there. The entire process of concentrating, exploring, feeling, understanding, and finally experiencing is called Dhyana Dharana.

Incantation of Hymns

Incantation of Hymns, also known as Stuti is singing or reciting prayers and praises of one’s Ishta Deva* or any other God. While this stage helps the Sadhak to understand their Gods better and the loud singing and incantations leads to purifying the environment around, there is no tangible spiritual benefit of this to the Sadhak. The Sadhak can make this way beneficial for them if they begin reading and understanding the praises of the God they are praying to and resolve to try and imbibe the qualities in themselves and working towards it. For instance, trying to learn sacrifice from Lord Shiva, or austerity from Maa Parvati. While it may not happen in a single lifetime, once a person sets such an intention, they are sure to experience the God Element sooner or later.

Murti Puja (Idol Worship)

The most initial stage of Sadhana, Idol Worship is when a Sadhak brings home an idol of God, (it can be any God or their Ishta Deva*) and begins worshipping it. The worship may include morning-evening prayers, singing hymns, lighting Ghee Diya* in front of the idols, decorating the idol with flowers, and offering food to the idol. This stage is like the external projection of the Divinity inside of us. While it’s extremely beneficial as the initial stage because it helps the Sadhak to pray to something tangible, the Sadhak needs to eventually turn inwards and connect with the Divinity within them.

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