October 31, 2021

Confessions of a Speech Pathologist.


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People have tongues of all lengths and shapes.

Some are skinny.

Some are fat.

Some are somewhere in between.

Some people have cavities.

Some have bad breath.

Some don’t floss.

Some struggle to say their /r/’s.

Some stutter.

Some have Bell’s palsy and cannot smile fully.

Some mean to say their name and all they can say is a combination of sounds not like their names.

Some can’t say the words they mean to say no matter how hard they try.

Some are nonverbal and use an augmentative communication device.

Some need hugs and squeezes and weighted vests to feel calm.

Some have Huntington’s and are losing their ability to speak.

Some wish they could speak loud enough to be heard.

Some wish their voices had a different pitch.

Some have lisps.

Some have cleft palates and/or lips.

Some will never speak.

Some have a limited amount of time to live.

All are beautiful human beings with their own story.

All are my clients.

All deserve to take up space.

Please be kind no matter our differences.

Embrace all you encounter.

We are human.

We all have something to offer this world.

Be patient and let others speak.

Just as you want to speak, so do they.

Lean in.

Reach out.


Say Hi.

Make another friend.



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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: giselle_dekel/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra