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October 26, 2021

What is the purpose of Sun Salutations in yoga?

Photo by Elina Fairytale on Pexels.

Sun salutations or popularly known as Surya Namaskar, is a dynamic set of sequences performed consecutively. These poses were explicitly designed to honor the Sun. Sun is considered o be the supreme source of energy and all other energies arise from it. Its believed that light marks the beginning of the world. And Sun is the primary source of light, and so it must be honored with utmost dedication. Hindus refer to the Sun as Surya, the creator of life and beginning of spirituality. Each Sun Salutation sequence begins with joined hands mudra held close to the heart, a gesture to show respect and truth. Traditionally, Surya Namaskar is best when performed outdoors, when facing eastern direction, marking the arrival of the Sun, which brings along consciousness and awareness. This is considered the best war-up routine for Yoga enthusiasts worldwide.

When you practice Sun Salutations regularly, it brings you the power of focus and concentration. In addition, it increases the strength, flexibility, and posture of the body. The series comprises 12 poses and postures which can lengthen, strengthen and extend the main muscles of your body. In addition, it helps in distributing the prana flow throughout the entire system of your body.

Let us now discuss the purpose of sun salutations in detail.

Helps in improving energy levels in your body: When you begin your day with Surya Namaskar, you get rejuvenated with increased levels of energy and enthusiasm. It is easy to perform and accessible too. With just a few steps in a sequence, you feel energized and ready to begin your day. This sequence improves your blood circulation and purifies your blood. The lungs and digestive system too benefit from practicing Sun Salutations regularly. Your joints and muscle pain will vanish once you dedicate your time to Sun Salutations. This also helps in the fluidity of the flow of the vital energy involved in prana, which removes any energy blockage. Sun Salutations can be a great cardiovascular exercise keeping your heart in check.

Lengthens your muscles: One of the crucial Surya Namaskar benefits includes how regular practice brings more flexibility and strength to your body. You are delivered with extra strength to your muscles, hamstrings, chest, and shoulders. Tension is released, and more lubrication is offered to the joints. They also release the tension on the spine, which increases strength and flexibility.

Fruitful meditation: The Surya Namaskar consists f a series of asanas and postures involving breathing techniques. As you transition from one pose to another, you let your breath slide you into a different pose such that that the continuity is not broken. The breath acts as a bridge that links two poses together. It also helps the body and mind to resonate on the same levels for perfect and quiet meditation. It allows the breath to let you wander; it allows your mind to follow your breathing style. Finally, it helps you being patient as you allow your breath to take the lead.

Honor and Respect: Sun Salutations were mainly introduced as a tool to honor the supreme Sun. When you follow the various steps of Sun Salutations, you are offering honor to the Sun. This helps you to practice respect and honor. It teaches you how to be respectful in your behavior and honor every good thing around. It helps you observe your body and its pattern. It sets a rhythm between the different postures and your breathing pattern. You can sense growth in you as you undertake this approach every single day. You and your body are simply enjoying some alone time with each other and walking a journey of enlightenment.

Teaches you gratitude: When you practice Sun Salutations, you show your grateful side to nature. You are thanking the supreme power of the world, the Sun, for creating life. By following this gesture, you let your ego slide away, and you become embracing more positive emotions like gratitude, honor, and respect. You realize how everything around you deserves respect and regard.

A piece of short and brief information has been provided above on the most popular Yoga technique; the sequence of Sun Salutations. Please go through the points mentioned above to show you the mental and physical benefits that Sun Salutations has on our respective inner growth. It teaches you how to be grateful to various blessings in life and respect them every day. It teaches you optimism and the determination to stay hopeful and grateful.

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